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Neuromuscular Research Laboratory
Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences



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Text book contributions

2002 Publications

Radelet MA, Myers JB, Lephart SM, Rubinstein EN. Survey of the injury rate for children in community sports. Pediatrics. 2002; 110 (3): e28 (pdf 276KB)

Lephart SM, Ferris CM, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Fu FH. Gender differences in strength and lower extremity kinematics during landing. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2002; 401: 162-9 (pdf 769KB)

Myers JB, Lephart SM. Sensorimotor deficits contributing to glenohumeral instability. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2002; 400: 98-104 (pdf 905KB)

Riemann BL, Lephart SM. Sensorimotor system measurement techniques. Journal of Athletic Training. 2002; 27(1): 85-98 (pdf 1.1MB)

Riemann BL, Lephart SM. Sensorimotor system part 1: physiological basis of joint stability. Journal of Athletic Training. 2002; 37 (1): 71-9 (pdf 58KB)

Riemann BL, Lephart SM. Sensorimotor system part 2: role of proprioception. Journal of Athletic Training. 2002; 37 (1) : 80-4 (pdf 109KB)

Lephart SM, Abt JP, Ferris CM. Neuromuscular contributions to anterior cruciate ligament injuries in females. Current Opinion in Rheumatology . 2002; 14: 168-73 (pdf 799KB)

Lephart SM, Myers JB, Bradley JP, Fu FH. Shoulder proprioception and function following thermal capsulorraphy. Athroscopy. 2002; 18 (7): 770-8 (pdf 149KB)

Swanik KA, Lephart SM, Stone DA, Swanik CB, Lepahrt SP, Fu FH. The effects of plyometric training on proprioception and selected muscle performance characteristics. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2002; 11 (6): 579-86 (pdf 132KB)

Lephart SM, Jari R. The role of proprioception in shoulder instability. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. 2002; 10: 2-4 (pdf 450KB)

Swanik K, Swanik C, Lephart S, et al. The effect of functional training on the incidence of shoulder pain and strength in intercollegiate swimmers. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2002;11(2):140-154 (pdf 1.1MB)

Henry TJ, Lephart SM, Giraldo J, Stone D, Fu FH. An Electromyographic Analysis of Dynamic Stabilizing Exercises for the Shoulder. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2002; 10: 246-257


2002 Presentations

Lephart SM, Phillipon MC, Draovitch P, Norman G. Golf injury prevention research models: loading patterns, balance deficits, and muscle firing patterns of the hip in elite players with labral tears and instability. 2002 World Scientific Congress of Golf; July 22-26, 2002; Andrews, Scotland

Ferris CM, Ju YY, Sell TC, Abt JP, Fetchen S, Freedman AD, Lephart SM, Fu FH. Lower extremity strength and biomechanical adaptations to training in female athletes. 2002 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; June 14-18, 2002; Dallas, TX

Myers JB, Riemann BL, Ju YY, Hwang JH, Lephart SM. Assessment of shoulder stiffness at varying levels of muscle activation from an apprehension perturbation. 2002 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; June 14-18, 2002; Dallas, TX

Ju YY, Abt JP, Myers JB, Lephart SM. Gender difference, limb dominance difference, and the effects of heat and cold on posterior muscle-joint-complex stiffness of the ankle. 2002 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; June 14-18, 2002; Dallas, TX

Fetchen SM, Ferris CM, Lephart SM. Non-contact ACL injury frequency among females of different ethnicities. 2002 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; June 14-18, 2002; Dallas, TX

Abt Jp, Ju YY, Lephart SM, Rubinstein EN. Gender differences in passive ankle stiffness in healthy individuals. 2002 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 29- June 2; St. Louis, MO

Lephart SM, Fu FH, Ferrris CM, Sell TC, Irrgang JJ. Lower extremity neuromuscular and biomechanical adaptations to training in female athletes. ACL Study Group Meeting; March 2-8; Big Sky, MT

Myers JB, Riemann BL, Lephart SM, Ju YY, Hwang JH, McMahon PJ, Fu FH. In-vivo neuromuscular reflex stability characteristics in a position of shoulder apprehension. 2002 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 69 th Annual Meeting; Dallas, TX.

Myers JB, Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Fu FH. Effect of proprioceptive alteration of the lateral ankle ligaments on dynamic stability. 2002 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine; Dallas, TX.

