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Neuromuscular Research Laboratory
Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences



2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000 / 1999 / 1998 / 1997 / 1996 to 1992 / 1991 and before

Text book contributions

2000 Publications

Myers JB, Lephart SM. The role of the sensorimotor system in the athletic shoulder. Journal of Athletic Training. 2000; 35 (3): 351-363 (pdf 1.0MB)

Giffin LY, Agel J, Albohm MJ, Arendt EA, Dick RW, Garret WE, Garrick JG, Hewett TE, Huston L, Ireland ML, Johnson RJ, Kibler WB, Lephart SM, Lewis JL, Lindenfeld TN, Mandelbaum BR, Marchak P, Teiz CC, Wojtys EM. Noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries: risk factors and prevention strategies. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2000, 8(3) : 141-50 (pdf 247 KB)


2000 Presentations

Blackburn JT, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Lephart SM. Kinematic analysis of the hip and trunk during bilateral stance on firm, foam, and multiaxial support surfaces. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Cerullo JF, Riemann BL, Lephart SM. The combined effects of ankle and spat taping on vertical ground reaction force during drop landings. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Cerullo JF, Riemann BL, McCaw ST, Lephart SM. Comparison of vertical ground reaction forces between males and females during drop landings. American College of Sports Medicine 47 th Annual Meeting; 2000; Indianapolis, IN.

DeMont RG, Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Ryu KH. Role of foot position hamstring contraction during isometric contraction. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Ferris CM, Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Inglis SC, Fu FH. A comparison of strength, proprioception, laxity, flexibility, and balance between basketball and non-basketball collegiate female athletes. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Gatti JM, Myers JB, Lephart SM. Shoulder function following a cryotherapy modality application. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Ju YY, Cerullo JF, Lephart SM. The combined effect of warm-up, stretching, and cool-down on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) . National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Lephart SM, Ferris CM, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Fu FH. Role of neuromuscular mechanisms in female ACL injuries. ACL Study Group; May 20-26, 2000; Rhodes, Greece

McCabe RE, Myers JB, Lephart SM. The relationship between active and passive assessments of knee proprioception. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Myers JB, Riemann BL, Lephart SM. Kinematic and kinetic assessment of single leg stance on a firm surface. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Myers JB, Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Bradley JP, Fu FH. Evaluation of shoulder proprioception following thermal capsulorraphy. 2000 American College of Sports Medicine 47 th Annual Meeting; 2000; Indianapolis, IN.

Riemann BL, Myers JB, Lephart SM. Comparison of single leg postural control during stance on stable, foam, and multiaxial support surfaces. 2000 American College of Sports Medicine 47 th Annual Meeting; 2000; Indianapolis, IN.

Riemann BL, Myers JB, Lephart SM. Analysis of single leg multiaxial postural control. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Sites HM, Riemann BL, Lephart SM. Effect of dorsiflexion and plantar flexion muscle fatigue on postural control. National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting; Jun 28-Jun 2, 2000; Nashville, TN

Swanik CB, Rubash H, Lephart SM. A prospective study of proprioception, balance, and muscle activity with cruciate retaining (CR) and posterior stabilized (PS) TKA. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting; Mar 15-19, 2000; Orlando, FL

