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Neuromuscular Research Laboratory
Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, UPMC Center for Sports Medicine



2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000 / 1999 / 1998 / 1997 / 1996 to 1992 / 1991 and before

Text book contributions

Textbook Contributions

Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Fu FH. Introduction to the sensorimotor system. In: Lephart SM, Fu FH, eds. The Role of Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in the Management and Rehabilitation of Joint Pathology. 2000.

Lephart SM, Myers JB, Riemann BL. Role of Proprioception in Functional Joint Stability. In: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine 2nd Edition: W.B. Saunders Company. 2000.

Lephart SM, Fu FH. The Role of Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in Joint Stability . Human Kinetics Publishers, Fall 1999.

Lephart SM, Swanik CB, Harner CD. Neuropathophysiology and Knee Injuries. In: Knee Surgery, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, Spring 1999.

Lephart SM, Rozzi S, Fu FH. Proprioception and the Female Athlete. In Ireland: The Female Athlete. Mosby, Sprin, 1999.

Lephart SM, Swanik CB. The anatomy and physiology of proprioception. Athletic Therapy Today. Vol 3, 1998.

Lephart SM, Pincivero DM. The role of proprioception in sports medicine. In Controversies in Orthopaedics Sports Medicine, 1997.

Lephart SM, Swanik BC. Reestablishing neuromuscular control. In prentice (3rd ed): Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine . Times Mirror Mosby College Publishing, St. Louis, Missouri, 1997.

Pincivero DM, Lephart SM. Isokinetic technology: a global view. In Principles and Practice of Isokinetics in Sports Medicine. 1996.

Lephart SM, Fu FH. Proprioception in sports. In Advances in Orthopaedics. Vol II, Mosby Year Book, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, 1994.

Lephart SM, Henry TJ. Functional Rehabilitation and Training. In The Orthopaedic Clinic in North America. W.E. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 1994.

Lephart SM. Reestablishing proprioception, kinesthesia, joint position sense, and neuromuscular control in rehabilitation. In Prentice: (2nd ed.) Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine, Times Mirror Mosby College Publishing, St. Louis, Missouri, 1993.

Borsa PA, Lephart SM. Proprioception: perception of joint motion and position. In Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology, 1993.

Lephart SM. Injuries to the wrist and hand. In Prentice (2nd ed.): Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine, Times Mirror Mosby College Publishing, St. Louis, Missouri, 1993.

Lephart SM, Borsa PA. Functional rehabilitation. In Knee Surgery, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, November 1993.

Lephart SM. Critical evaluation of methods for prophylaxis for shoulder disorders: exercise-proprioception. In Shoulder: A Balance of Mobility and Stability, American Academy of Orthoapedic Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. Fall 1992 print.

Lephart SM, Blanc R, Clark L, Salesi T, Waple K. The athletic trainer. In Sports Injuries: Mechanisms, Prevention, and Treatment (2nd ed.), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland. Spring 1992 print.

Lephart SM, Borsa PA. Conditioning and training of athletes. In Sports Injuries: Mechanisms, Prevention, and Treatment, (2nd ed.), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, 1992.

