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Neuromuscular Research Laboratory
Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences



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Text book contributions

2001 Publications

Henry TJ, Lephart SM, Giraldo J, Stone DA, Fu FH. Effect of muscle fatigue on muscle force-couple activation of the shoulder. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2001; 10: 246-56 (pdf 2.0MB)

Giffin LY, Lephart SM, et al. Noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries: risk factors and prevention strategies. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2001, 8(3) : 141-50

Riemann BL, DeMont RG, Ryu KH, Rubinstein EN, Lephart SM. The effects of gender, joint angle, and the gastrocnemius on ankle muscle joint complex stiffness. Journal of Athletic Training. 2001; 36(4): 369-77 (pdf 220KB)

Fitzgerald GK, Lephart SM, Hwang JH, Wainner MRS. Hop tests as predictors of dynamic knee stability. Journal of Orthopaedic Sports Physical Therapy. 2001; 31(10): 588-97 (pdf 897KB)

Safran MR, Borsa PA, Lephart SM, Fu FH. Shoulder proprioception in baseball pitchers. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2001; 10(5) : 438-44 (pdf 95KB)


2001 Presentations

Ferris CM, Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Fu FH. Gender differences in lower extremity rotation during landing tasks. 2001 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium; June 19-23, 2001; Los Angeles, CA

Freedman AD, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Ferris CM, Lephart SM. The effect of fatigue induced quadriceps strength deficits on kinematic landing characteristics. 2001 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium; June 19-23, 2001; Los Angeles, CA

Ju YY, Riemann BL, Lephart SM. Reliability of two methods assessing the ankle muscle-joint-complex stiffness during functional activities. 2001 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium; June 19-23, 2001; Los Angeles, CA

Myers JB, Riemann BL, Ju YY, Hwang JH, Zayed G, Deemer BC, McMahon PW, Lephart SM. Shoulder muscle latencies at varying levels of contraction from an apprehension perturbation. 2001 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium; June 19-23, 2001; Los Angeles, CA

Radelet MR, Lephart SM, Rubinstein EN, Myers JB. A survey of the injury rate for children in community sports. 2001 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium; June 19-23, 2001; Los Angeles, CA

Upton JM, Lephart SM, Swanik KA, Myers JB, Conley KM. EMG analysis of the hamstrings and quadriceps in healthy and ACL reconstructed individuals during four advanced functional activities. 2001 National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium; June 19-23, 2001; Los Angeles, CA

Blackburn JT, Riemann BL, Lephart SM. Comparison of active knee flexor stiffness across gender. 2001 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 29-June 2, 2001; Baltimore, MD

Cerullo JF, Riemann BL, Stone DA, Lephart SM. The effects of functional fatigue and gender on vertical ground reaction forces and knee flexion patterns during drop landings. 2001 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 29-June 2; Baltimore, MD

Myers JB, Riemann BL, Hwang JH, Lephart SM. Effect of peripheral afferent alteration of the lateral ankle ligaments on muscle activity during dynamic activity. 2001 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May 29-June 2, 2001; Baltimore, MD

Lephart SM, Myers JB, Bradley JP, Fu FH. Shoulder proprioception and function following thermal capsulorraphy. 2001 Arthroscopy Association of North America; April 19-22, 2001; Seattle, WA

Myers JB, Lephart SM. Bradley JP, Fu FH. Shoulder proprioception and function following thermal capsulorraphy. 2001 American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Specialty Day Meetings; March 3, 2001; San Francisco, CA

Myers JB, Lephart SM, Brafley JP, Fu FH. Shoulder proprioception and function following thermal capsulorraphy; 2001 AAOS; February 28-March 3, 2001; San Francisco, CA

Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Ferris CM, Fu FH. Gender differences in strength and knee flexion patterns during landing; 2001 AAOS; February 28-March 3; San Francisco, CA

Swanik CB, Lephart SM, Rubash H, Fu FH. Effects of cruciate retaining vs. posterior stabilized TKA on proprioception, balance, and quadriceps EMG: a prospective randomized study; 2001 AAOS; February 28-March 3; San Francisco, CA

Lephart SM, Ferris CM, Fetchen S. Neuromuscular and biomechanical factors related to ACL injuries in female athletes; 2001 AAOS; February 28-March 3; San Francisco, CA

Lephart SM, Riemann BL, Myers JB, Ferris CM, Fu FH. Gender differences in strength and knee flexion patterns during landing; 2001 ORS; February 24-27; San Francisco, CA

