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Graham Hatfull looks at a plastic tube

A Pitt lab shows phage attacks in new light

The development of new imaging methods allowed researchers in Graham Hatfull’s lab to watch, in detail, as killer phages attached to bacteria — and as resistant bacteria fought off an attack.

  • Technology & Science
  • Innovation and Research
9 people pose against a blue wall

Alexa, congratulate these Pitt graduate students

A team of doctoral students in the School of Computing and Information is working to make AI more inclusive. Their efforts landed them among 10 finalists in this year’s Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge.

  • Technology & Science
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Graduate and professional students
  • School of Computing and Information
A headshot of Barr von Oehsen

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center named a new director

James Barr von Oehsen, who was also named vice chancellor for research computing, will lead the Pitt-Carnegie Mellon venture.

  • University News
  • Technology & Science
  • School of Medicine
  • Swanson School of Engineering
Ray Jones in a blue shirt and black jacket

Worried about students using AI chatbots? This professor isn’t.

Ray Jones in Pitt Business is an avid user of ChatGPT — and he’s encouraging his students to try it, too.

  • Technology & Science
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Faculty
  • College of Business Administration
Mulitcolored galaxies against a black sky

See the new Webb telescope image that left a Pitt astronomer ‘starstruck’

Using galaxies like a magnifying glass allowed astronomers, including Rachel Bezanson, to capture never-before-seen details in a patch of sky known as Pandora’s Cluster. Look back in time with her.

  • Technology & Science
  • Innovation and Research
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • Space
A reflection of the Cathedral of Learning in the windows of Mervis Hall

Graduate students: Apply for paid Pennsylvania Robotics and Technology Fellowships by March 2

Help regional companies adopt autonomous technology through this Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business collaboration.

  • Technology & Science
  • Graduate and professional students
  • Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business
  • School of Computing and Information
  • School of Law
  • Swanson School of Engineering
The exterior of Allen Hall

Pitt physicists investigate light vortices in a new paper

Led by graduate student Atreyie Ghosh, the publication in ACS Photonics explores ways to structure optical fields as elements understanding of fundamental physics.

  • Technology & Science
  • Innovation and Research
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
A portrait of Mostern

The World History Center won a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant

Principal investigator Ruth Mostern will use the $350,000 award to fund an expansion of the World Historical Gazetteer.

  • Technology & Science
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Innovation and Research
A black street light with a University of Pittsburgh banner sits in the foreground in front of the Cathedral of Learning.

4 Pitt faculty members won grants from the Charles E. Kaufman Foundation

Andrea Berman, Judith Yanowitz, Alex Jones and Michael Hatridge won support for their innovative, interdisciplinary projects.

  • University News
  • Technology & Science
  • Innovation and Research
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • School of Medicine
  • Swanson School of Engineering
A drone shot shows construction machines working on the Life Sciences Building

Pitt-Greensburg unveiled its new Life Sciences Building

The two-story building, which features seven lab spaces, will allow nursing and sciences programs to grow.

  • Health and Wellness
  • University News
  • Technology & Science
  • Pitt-Greensburg
A person holds a certificate and T-shirt while standing in between two people in the same blue T-shirt that reads RNEL

How a Pitt program in the Hill District is closing the digital divide in Pittsburgh

The Community Engagement Center’s Digital Inclusion Studio promotes digital literacy and development for both adults and children.

  • Technology & Science
  • Community Impact
  • Our City/Our Campus
  • School of Computing and Information
  • Swanson School of Engineering
A headshot of Singh

Chandralekha Singh won an Indian Institute of Technology Distinguished Alumna Award

The distinguished physics professor earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from IIT Kharagpur.

  • Technology & Science
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
Leaves in front of the Cathedral of Learning

A fertilizer startup co-founded by a Pitt alumnus won the 2022 TransTech Energy Evolving Energy Technology Showcase

Ecotone Renewables uses zero-emission upcycling to produce sustainable Soil Sauce — an innovation that earned the company a $7,500 prize.

  • Technology & Science
  • Innovation and Research
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainability
Cooper sits next to an electric wheelchair

Rory Cooper has been inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame

With the honor, the Pitt professor and wheelchair technology innovator joins an illustrious group of innovators.

  • Technology & Science
  • Community Impact
  • School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Three students stand behind a table with informational materials about laundry detergent. A poster board behind them says Clean Green.

These students want to make Pitt cleaner and greener

Once a class project, the Clean Green pilot program could bring more sustainable laundry options to campus.

  • Technology & Science
  • Students
  • Sustainability
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • Sustainability
The Chevron Science Center.

Haitao Liu won a $500,000 grant to explore using DNA to create computer memory

The National Science Foundation will fund Haitao Liu’s research to forge a path toward ultracompact computer chips.

  • Technology & Science
  • Innovation and Research
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
a car with wave illustrations around it

We’re asking the wrong questions about AI

The tech behind Alexa and Tesla might be smart, but is it wise? Pitt philosophers Colin Allen and Brett Karlan say exploring that question could break us out of the artificial intelligence hype cycle.

  • Technology & Science
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
a red and white race car on a track

A multidisciplinary team of Pitt students will compete in the Indy Autonomous Challenge

The engineering and business students are back for a second year, hoping to win the Nov. 11 race and advance the technologies powering their driverless car.

  • Technology & Science
  • Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business
  • Swanson School of Engineering
a large array of solar panels

Pitt’s new solar energy partnership is among the largest in Western Pennsylvania

Construction has begun on the Gaucho Solar project, which will supply 100% of its electricity to Pitt for the next 20 years.

  • Technology & Science
  • Our City/Our Campus
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainability
a night sky with fireflies streaking across the image

Pitt mathematicians explain how some fireflies flash in sync

Their model could shed light on more lightning bug behavior as well as other instances of synchronization in nature.

  • Technology & Science
  • Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences