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Pittsburgh and Greensburg Campuses Move to Elevated Risk Operational Posture

On July 13, the University's Pittsburgh and Greensburg campuses moved from the emergency modified status to the Elevated Risk Operational Posture, and the Bradford, Johnstown and Titusville campuses move to the Guarded Risk Posture. 

The emergency modified status was not designed for prolonged use and does not address how the University would operate and manage the University through the pandemic. The commonwealth’s red, yellow and green phases complicated things further by seeming to suggest that more activity was permitted at a time when the University was determining how much activity to safely manage on our campuses. 

Part of the Resilience Framework, Pitt’s operational postures clarify who is permitted on campus and allow us to react to changing conditions. The Elevated Risk Posture is more restrictive than the current Allegheny County Green Phase and provides University leaders the guidance they need to ensure the appropriate health and safety measures are in place. 

Learn more about operational postures.