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Places to study besides the library

  • Our City/Our Campus
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Students

For many students on the Pittsburgh campus, the ongoing construction at Hillman Library has displaced them from their usual — and favorite — study spot. As the semester ramps up and the weather drives more study groups indoors, one question on students’ minds is, “Where can I go to study?”

Lucky for you, Pittwire student reporter Kendal Johnson has compiled a list of quiet and beautiful places you may not have considered.

For instance, did you know there are several other libraries on campus? The Frick Fine Arts Building has a library with multiple tables and that familiar quiet environment. The space is open until 5 p.m every day, so it’s great for some between-class reading. The Theodore M. Finney Music Library and George M. Bevier Engineering Library are likewise studious spots.

Below are more places to try out — find them all on the Campus Map.

But this is just a portion of many places students can go. The Office of the Provost also has a detailed list of study spaces and their hours for even more options.

And never fear: Your favorite spots in Hillman will open again. To learn more about what the ground, first and second floors will look like once construction is finished visit the Hillman Library Reinvention site. As a reminder, the newly renovated third and fourth floors, as well as the ground floor, are still available.


— Kendal Johnson