Physics 3102 - Collider Physics - Spring 2012


Physics 3765, 3766 (QFT) and Physics 3717, 3718 (particle physics) or equivalent would be desirable.

Materials Needed:


Mon/Wed 2:00pm - 3:15pm, 105 Allen Hall.
Tentative Syllabus

Homework and supplement readings:

Homework problems will be assigned on Wednesdays, roughly once every two weeks. You are encouraged to discuss with each other, and to work out as much as you can. You are requested to turn them in (for my record and your course grade), but they will not be fully graded. The efforts and differential progress made by you are more important than your actually results. Supplemental readings from the reference books and literature will also be assigned.
HW1; HW2; HW3; HW4; HW5; HW6; HW7

Office Hours:

You may come to my office after the Mon/Wed lectures at 200-D Alen Hall. Any other times would be possible for discussions as well, but an appointment by e-mail or by phone (4-2763) would be preferred.


The course Letter grade will be based on: (a) 50% homework performance (The learning attitude and active engagement are the measure); (b) 30% oral presentation (~20 min.) on a topic at your own choice, or suggested by me. It may be arranged either during the exam week or during the class time; (c) 20% participation of discussions during the lectures and after class.
To help your study, I here offer some tips for your consideration.

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