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"Christianity" seems so taboo and certainly invokes different feelings for different people. I would hope that most christians admit they are like electro-photography (aka Xerox copies) of the olden days: full of flaws and extra artifacts (i.e. we are not good copies of Christ, we just want to be more like Him). Everyone is human and therefor prone to mistakes and "evil" (in varying amounts), and all come up short from their target "good" (especially Christians); so, finding evil (or seeing good) in a christian is much like the cliche glass of water: it is both half full and half empty.

I have a family, a job, and hobbies; don't you? I'm trying to kick bad habits (see Romans 6:11-12 and Titus 2:11-12, but read on a few verses); is that bad? My goal is to do my duty: raise my kids, grow with my wife, work hard, and be there when people ask; is that bad? I'm trying to raise my kids to be salt and light (who doesn't make food tastier with salt and who doesn't appreciate a little light to show the way? See Matthew 5:13-16.

Genia (Jen-ya, my wife) is Jewish, so she kind-of rejects the whole idea of Jesus and doesn't understand why I try to please everyone and make a way in every situation; but, she does tolerate it, and we still celebrate the Jewish holidays. Just because the Messaiah has come (and given us new commandments), doesn't mean we can't observe the old commandments. I don't try to put others before my family, but sometimes it appears that way--it's more like I know Genia has things covered and I want to help whomever (that it is that's taking me away from my family). I'm always working on showing my wife "unfailing love" (see Psalm 107:31); she is my lover and partner.


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