General Info:
The Ski & Snowboard club is a University sponsored Student Organization built upon the idea of making the sport of skiing & snowboarding trips affordable to University Students.

So you can't afford to go on that winter or spring break trip to the other side of the world, but still wan't to ride at least once a week. Don't worry. With weekly trips, This organization is here to provide a great time for skiers and snowboarders at a price that is affordable. Our weekly trips consist of taking a CHARTER bus down to Seven Springs, a fun night of riding, and returning in that same CHARTER bus. You'll get to meet people with a wide range of skills. Some will have years experience, while others are doing it for the first time. Either way, you will have something in common and have something to talk about. Then when you are able to save up for a spring break trip that won't bust the bank account, there will be a trip to a resort that you would be able to afford.

Office Hours:
WPU 5th Floor
Cubicle #10
HOURS: to be annouced