
University of Pittsburgh Biology Club 

                                                                       "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."  Eleanor Roosevelt 


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November 6, 2004

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  Biology Club Events  

Below is a list of the Biology Club events for the year of 2004 - 2005.

Sept 2 - Bio Club BBQ where students were able to meet other members and interact with a few professors, eat free grilled food and find out what the Biology Club is all about! 

Sept 30 - The New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) gave a presentation on what Chiropractic is and what their college has to offer.  Chiropractic is a health care discipline which helps heal the body by working with the body's natural healing process.  NYCC has an excellent program!  Email the Biology Club President Devjanee Swain for more information. 

October 14 - Kaplan gave an introduction to the MCATs.  We learned what exactly is on the MCATs and what it tests.  We then went on to take a 10 sample question exam.  Afterwards the Kaplan representative reviewed a few questions and explained strategies to help answer questions.  Interested in pursuing a course by Kaplan? Visit www.kaplan.com.

October 17 - Dr. Anthony Bledsoe took us hawk watching outside of Breezewood.  We learned how to distinguish birds from miles away, and got to be entertained by Dr. Bledsoe being in his element.   We saw about 25-30 birds, and a hanglider too!

October 28 - Dr. Jeffrey Lawrence is giving a speech on Bioinformatics It is
going to be a new major offered at Pitt, and it is also a growing and exciting
field.  In case students do not know, Bioinformatics analyzes and organizes
biochemical and biological information by use of computers.  This is especially important in molecular biology and genomics.

October 29 - Pumpkin Carving Contest!  It costs $5 to enter and the proceeds go to the National Breast Cancer Society.  (October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month).  Prizes will be given to the winners.

November 6 - Adopt a Block.  During this Saturday morning we will go out and clean Oakland streets (which are in dire need of cleaning).  This is a great opportunity to help out the community, the environment, and if members are having a hard time coming to meetings -- it's an option to catch up on membership requirements.

December- 50/50 Raffle.  Our members will sell raffle tickets and the winner or winners (details need to be planned) will receive half the money in the form of a gift certificate to the bookstore (a great deal for next semester!)  The other half of the money will go to an AIDS charity or AIDS research center (the details need to be planned out).  Also we are planning to give the top seller a gift.

December 9 - Ed Strimlan from the Allegheny Coroner's Office will be giving a presentation.  Students interested in a possible career in Forensic Science will not want to miss this opportunity to learn about various occupations in the field and what educational requirements are needed.  Also, if students do not know what they want to do with their biology degrees, Forensic Science offers a wide array of careers.

January 26 (tentative date and time: Monday morning for at least 3 hours) - Science Fair at Frick Academy.  This is a project organized by the ACS Outreach Program and the YMCA.  We are setting up at least two tables for children from 6th- 8th grade. Possible ideas include the themes "Functions in Nature" and "DNA Extraction."   We need help with organizing the event and people manning the tables. Details will be planned out within the next few weeks.

February 12 (tentative date) - Phipps Conservatory.  During Valentine's Day season, Phipp's displays its orchids.


Other Spring Events:


The Aviary - Take a trip through the aviary.  If Dr. Bledsoe accompanies us,
then we get an even more in depth look at the birds.


Winery - We take a trip to a local winery.  We have a tour of the winery and
learn the biology behind the production of wine (and they are very
knowledgeable).  If you are 21 or over, you get a free tasting and can buy!


Please contact the Biology Club if you wish to learn more about a certain activity.  Suggestions for a certain activity and/or speakers are greatly welcomed!

Questions or comments? Send mail to ttp4@pitt.edu.
Copyright © 2004 Biology Club of the University of Pittsburgh
Last modified: 11/02/04