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Past and Present  Funded Research Programs

Title: U.S.-Portugal-Switzerland Cooperative Research Program: Multiscale Models of Blood Flow in the Cerebral Vasculature

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF),

Period of Grant: 7/01/01-6/30/04,

Role: P.I.

Co-Investigators: Giovanni P. Galdi (U. of Pittsburgh), Alfio Quarteroni (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and the Politcnico di Milano), A. Sequeira (Instituto Superior Técnico)


Title: Improved Animal Modeling of Saccular Aneurysms

Funding Agency: National Institute of Health (NIH)

Period of Grant: 07/01/02-06/30/05

Role: Co-Investigator

P.I. David Kallmes (Mayo Clinic)


Title: Vascular Genomic Response to Hydrostatic Pressure and Shear stress:  Chronic Human Disease and Genetic Markers for Pilot Tolerance of G Force Variations,

Funding Agency: Office of Naval Research (ONR)

Period of Grant: 03/21/02 – 5/31/03

Role: Co-Investigator

PI: Clark Glymour, (University of Southern Florida)

Other Co-Investigators: David G. Peters (University of Pittsburgh)


Title: Use of Chimera Grids for Numerical Studies of Flow in an Arterial Bifurcation

Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Period of Grant: 5/1/98-9/30/2000

Role: PI


Title: Theoretical and Clinical Study of the Initiation, Development and Rupture of Cerebral Aneurysms

Funding Agency: The Whitaker Foundation

Period of Grant: 5/1/97- 1/31/2001

Role: PI

Co-investigators: R. Sclabassi (U. of Pittsburgh Medical School)

Title: Mechanical Testing of Cerebral Arterial Tissue

Funding Agency: Central Research Development Fund, U. of Pittsburgh

Period of Grant: 6/1/99- 5/31/2001

Role: PI

Co-investigators: Michael S. Sacks


Title: Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Flows of Viscoelastic Fluids

Funding Agency: NATO International Exchange Program, Collaborative Research Grant

Period of Grant: 9/1/97- 4/31/2000

Role: PI

Co-investigators: G. P. Galdi (U. of Pittsburgh), V. Coscia (U. of Ferrara, Italy)


Title: Integration of Experiments into Theoretical Engineering Courses to Enhance Learning

Funding Agency: Advanced Instructional Technology Program, U. of Pittsburgh

Period of Grant:

Role: Co-PI

Co-PI: Mark T. Arigo


Title: Numerical Analysis of Flow of Viscoelastic Fluids in Curved Pipes

Funding Agency: Central Research Development Fund, U. of Pittsburgh

Period of Grant: 5/1/97- 6/31/2000

Role: PI