Latin American Archaeology Database, University of Pittsburgh
Wankarani Settlement Dataset
Timothy L. McAndrews
 Late Intermediate Artifact Density Confidence Levels  --  LIART.TXT

The data file LIART.TXT contains the mean sherd and lithic densities at Late Intermediate Period village sites with error ranges at the 80%, 95% and 99% confidence levels. Each line represents a Late Intermediate site. There are 7 lines, each with 9 variables separated by commas. The variables are, in the following order:

Site number
Mean sherd density (per square meter)
Mean lithic density (per square meter)
Error range at the 80% confidence level for sherd density
Error range at the 80% confidence level for lithic density
Error range at the 95% confidence level for sherd density
Error range at the 95% confidence level for lithic density
Error range at the 99% confidence level for sherd density
Error range at the 99% confidence level for lithic density
The first line of the file, for example, looks like this:


This indicates that in site LJ-E, the mean sherd density is 5.43, and the mean lithic density is 4.93. The error ranges at the 80% confidence level are ±1.83 for sherd density and ±0.79 for lithic density; at the 95% confidence level, ±3.56 for sherd density and ±1.53 for lithic density; and at the 99% confidence level, ±6.53 for sherd density and ±2.81 for lithic density.

The last (7th) line of the file is:


This indicates that in site RK-27, the mean sherd density is 31.83, and the mean lithic density is 11. The error ranges at the 80% confidence level are ±16.00 for sherd density and ±3.02 for lithic density; at the 95% confidence level, ±29.00 for sherd density and ±5.47 for lithic density; and at the 99% confidence level, ±48.10 for sherd density and ±9.05 for lithic density.

Click here to download the file LIART.TXT (519 bytes) and then ask your Web browser to save it to a disk. (Return here with your browser's BACK button.)

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