This web page has been constructed as a Capstone project in the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. Participants in the project include: Karen Debiase, Robert Fish, Mikiko Kawai, Lewis Macciano, Jennifer Sill, Michael Turley, and Mary Lynn Wilhere.

The Chartiers Creek watershed comprises 280 square miles. The Chartiers Creek

runs for 52 miles, beginning 6 miles south of Washington, PA,

and flows into the Ohio River roughly 3 miles below Pittsburgh.

Chartiers Creek runs from an elevation of 1200 feet

to 700 feet above sea level at the Ohio River

You may select from any one of the following topics

----Historic alterations in the stream channel of Chartiers Creek

----Historic coal mining areas in the Chartiers Creek Watershed

----Public attitude survey

----A short regional history of Chartiers Creek

----Benefits of rivers conservation