Submitted by University of Arkansas Health Center, 600 Razorback Road, Fayetteville, AR 72701

"We have this information posted in all patient waiting rooms, the conference room, lab, x-ray, pharmacy, and breakroom. We also post on our Home Page, brochures, and policy and procedure books."


To the extent provided by law and within the capacity of this facility, every patient has the right:

  1. to be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity regardless of race, creed, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.
  2. to prompt medical treatment in an urgent situation without discrimination on account of econimic status or payment.
  3. to confidentiality of all records and communications to the extent provided by law.
  4. to request a medical provider of a particular gender or with a particular treatment approach.
  5. to privacy during medical care.
  6. to clear and concise expanations of his/her condition and of all proposed procedures, including the risks, possible problems, or side effects that may result.
  7. to refuse treatment.
  8. to refuse to participate in research projects or to refuse any care or examination which is primarily educational or informational rather than diagnostic or therapeutic.
  9. to request a second opinion from a provider of the Health Center staff or from another provider at any time. Any fees assessed for these consultations are the responsibility of the patient.
  10. to request to inspect his/her medical records. These records will be made available according to federal and state law and policies and procedures established in the Health Center.
  11. to submit to the Health Center Advisory Committee appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Student Services, grievances and recommendations regarding the policies and procedures followed in the Health Center.
  12. to receive an expanation of ways to prevent problems from occurring again.


It is the responsibility of each patient:

  1. to provide, to the best of the individual's knowledge, accurate information relating to his/her health and personal situation.
  2. to accept personal responsibility to follow a treatment plan.
  3. to accept personal responsibility if he/she refuses treatment.
  4. to assume financial obligations for services received.
  5. to respect the rights of other patients, clients, and Health Center personnel with whom he/she may come in contact.
Approved by the University Health Center Advisory Committee 1-26-96

Go to next statement of Patient Rights and Responsibilities.

Go to the menu of selections in the Winter 1996 Issue of CQ.