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Tetsuji Iseda (Visiting Scholar)
Nagoya University, Japan  
Academic Year 2003-04
Social Epistemological Study on Confirmation Theory

Tetsuji’s research interests include confirmation theory, social epistemology and philosophy of social science. He is now working on socialization of analytic epistemology and its implication for the philosophy of science, especially for confirmation theory. The internalist/externalist distinction in epistemology does not address the social aspect of knowledge, and Tetsuji thinks that having a socialized epistemology at this level is an important step toward a full-fledged social epistemology. Another research interest of his is the disintegration of sociology in terms of subject matter, theory and methodology. In other fields of philosophy, he is working on methodological / theoretical issues related to applied ethics. There, his interest is in making utilitarianism more useful for practical purposes. In his personal life, he loves watching old movies. Since he came to Pittsburgh, Tetsuji started going to opera and ballet performances. He is impressed by the quality of the performances in Pittsburgh.

June 2008

Tetsuji is now at the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University Yoshidahonmachi.

Revised 11/7/12 - Copyright 2006