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Jan Wolenski
Jagiellonian University, Poland
Acedemic Year 1992-93
History of Logic and Philosophy of Science and Bretanian Roots of Analytical Philosophy

June 2011
Jan became emeritus on Sept. 30, 2010, but he is still teaching. He was elected to the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2010. 
Jan published two books: History of Polish Philosophy (with Jan Skoczyński) - in Polish and Essays on Jewish Questions (in Polish) as well as several papers.
Papers in English:
1.    “ Truth and Consistency,” Axiomathes 20(2)(2010),  347–355.
2.     “Łukasiewicz and Popper on Induction,” History and Philosophy of Logic 31(2010), pp. 385–388; together with J. Agassi.
3.     “Roman Witold Ingarden,” Internet Literary Encyclopedia,  http://www.litencyc. com/php/sheadwords.php? newsearch=yes&golist=go&phrase=Ingarden, 2010.
4.     “The Reception of Kelsen in Poland,” in Hans Kelsen Anderson, Hans Kelsen Abroad, Hrs. von R. Walter, C. Jabloner und K. Zeleny, Manz’sche Verlag, Wien 2010,  377–378.
5.     “Meaniungfulness, Meaninglesness and Language–Hierarchies: Some Lessons from Ingarden’s Criticism of the Verifiability Principle,” Polis Journal of Philosophy IV(2)(2010), pp. 35–47.
6.     “Formal and Informal in Legal Logic, in Approaches to Legal Rationality,” Eds. D. M. Gabbay, P. Canivez, S. Rahman and A. Thercelin, Springer, Dordrecht 2010,  73–86.
Jan is also preparing a collection of his papers for Peter Lang Publisher and is working on an extensive monograph Semantics and Truth for Springer.

May 2012
Retired 2010, but still teaching, elected a member of Polish Academy of Sciences in 2011,, President of the Committee for the Ethics of Science (Polish Academy of Sciences), awarded by the Order “Polonia Restituta”;
Recent Books:
Szkice o kwestiach żydowskich (Essays on Jewish Problems), Austeria, Kraków 2011, Essays on Logic and Its Applications in Philosophy, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2011.
L'école de Lvov-Varsovie : Philosophie et logique en Pologne (1895-1939), Vrin, Paris 2011.

Congresses and Conferences
The 14th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Nancy 2011
Trends in Logic IX: Church Thesis: Logic, Mind and Nature, Kraków 2011
Philosophy of Science and Vienna Heritage, Vienna 2011.


Revised 05/31/2012 - Copyright 2010