HPS 2580
Cosmology Spring 2018


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Here is a brief survey of foundational problems in modern cosmology, divided according to the eras.

How did things look in 1997?
Vote on topics in 1997.

Around the time of Einstein's Proposal of the Einstein Universe in 1917

Seeliger's Paradox

How should we react to an inconsistent theory?

A generic Newtonian cosmology has an infinite Euclidean space filled with a uniform matter distribution. Seeliger and others had found this cosmology inconsistent. A valid computation in Newtonian gravitational theory allowed the gravitational force on a test body to be a force of any nominated magnitude and direction.

There were many responses at the time. One was to augment Newton's inverse square law with a correction term that eliminated the inconsistency. Einstein used the precedent of such a correction term to motivate an analogous correction term to his theory: λ.

Later Development:

Relativity of acceleration in Newtonian cosmology

Is the paradox resolved by identifying a neglected relativity of acceleration in Newtonian cosmology?


Mach's Principle

Is modern cosmology dependent on a epistemological analysis?

According to Einstein, classical mechanics and special relativity are marred by an epistemological defect, that is, one without an empirical grounding. The epistemological principle they violate is what he called "Mach's principle." According to it, the geometric structure of spacetime has to be determined completely by the distribution of matter. The principle is still violated in general relativity by the need fix Minkowskian values at spatial infinity.

It is finally resolved by Einstein's 1917 introduction of the Einstein universe, the first, general relativistic cosmology. The Einstein universe is spatially finite and so has no spatial infinity. The admissibility of the Einstein universe in general relativity in turn required the addition to his gravitational field equations of a new "cosmological" term employing the cosmological constant λ.

The Einstein De Sitter Debate

Can we have a cogent cosmology free of matter, in violation of Mach's principle?

No sooner had Einstein proposed his new universe and his augmented gravitational field equations than the Dutch astronomer de Sitter found a serious problem. He pointed out that there are solutions of the augmented Einstein gravitational field equations without any matter at all, the de Sitter spacetimes.

Singularities in De Sitter Spacetime

General relativity fails if its quantities become singular. How should we treat such singularities?

Einstein and others, including Hermann Weyl, found singularities in de Sitter spacetime and identified them as "mass horizons," where the spacetime creating masses of the universe reside. We now identify these singularities as merely artefacts of the choice of spacetime coordinates. This was one of the first serious discussions of singularities in spacetime theories and not, by modern lights, handled well. Perhaps our modern lenses are distorting the issues of the late 1910s?

Late Antiquity
Around the time of Hubble announcement of the recession of the galaxies

Initial Singularity

Is a cosmology with an initial singularity admissible?

Following Hubble's discovery of the recession of the galaxies, the simple projection  into the past leads to an initial singularity. Do cogent cosmologies admit spacetime singularities?

Time Scale Problem

How do we address inconsistencies between our best cosmology and other theories?

The simple projection of the recession of the galaxies into the past indicates an age of the universe that is younger than other processes. James Jeans had then estimated that stars need 1013 years to form, whereas then current estimates of the Hubble age of the universe were roughly 2 billion years.

Middle Ages
Around the time of Penzias and Wilson

How can we know about an infinite universe from a finite sample?

How extravagant an inductive inference is admissible for a cogent science?

How can any cosmology be cogent when it depends on an extravagant inductive leap from the properties of the finite portion of the universe we can see to all of the infinite universe?

Is cosmology an empirical or an a priori science?

Do we develop our cosmological theories from observation and cautious inference or from the postulation of principles?

The foundation of cosmological theories is Milne's cosmological principle. It asserts that, on a suitably large scale, the universe look the same at every position in space. There is no empirical way to know that this is correct. It must be posited. So why not continue in this vein and posit the Perfect Cosmological Principle? According to it, the uniformity holds not just for positions in space, but also for all times. What results is a quite specific cosmology, the Bondi-Gold-Hoyle steady state cosmology. This cosmology dominated in England, whereas the American tradition favored an empirical approach and what Hoyle derisively labeled a "big bang" cosmology.

Cosmic Background Radiation as a Crucial Experiment (Observation)

Are crucial experiments or observations possible?

The standard recounting is that Penzias and Wilson's discovery of the cosmic background radiation was the decisive experiment that killed steady state cosmology in favor of  big bang cosmology. The history is a less definite. It took decades before this simple gloss came to be the standard, text book summary.

Modern Times
Starting with Guth's inflationary cosmology

Dark Energy, Dark Matter

When are we authorized to infer from a gap in our equations to the existence of a novel form of matter?

We have two remarkable cases:

The luminous matter visible in galaxies provides insufficient gravitational attraction to return the observed motion of the stars of the galaxies. Should we accommodate this by modifying Newton's inverse square law of gravity? Or should we assume that there is considerable non-luminous matter in the galaxies, that is "dark matter"?

Starting in the 1990s distant galaxies were observed to be receding faster than we would expect from Einstein's gravitational field equations, unless his 1917 cosmological term was restored. Can we reinterpret this term as a matter term, "dark energy."

Is an inference to matter warranted in both cases? What principles guide our decisions?

Guth's three problems

Is a theory supported inductively if it explains uniformities in the initial state of the universe?

Present cosmological theories must suppose an initial state in which matter is nearly perfectly uniformly distributed, even though no causal connections between the parts of space could have homogenized it. Guth initially argued for his inflationary cosmology since they made these and other cosmic coincidences more likely. However there seems to be no cogent sense, probabilistic or otherwise, that makes sense of this "more likely."

Is Eternal Inflation Science?

If eternal inflation can be fitted to any present matter distribution, is it science?

The strongest argument for inflationary cosmology now offered by its supporters are no longer that is solves Guth's original problems. It is that it gives just the right amount of inhomogeneity in the matter distribution for the stars, planets and galaxies we now see to have formed. There has been a major defection among the founders of inflationary cosmology. These dissidents argue that this success with structure formation derives from working backwards to tune the properties of the inflaton field so that is gives what we see now. It is success by theft, not honest toil.

Quantum to Classical Transition in Structure Formation in Quantum Theory

How does the quantum inflaton field collapse when there is no observer outside the universe to trigger the collapse?

The inhomogeneities inflationary cosmology brings to the matter distribution derive from quantum fluctuations being "frozen in" and becoming classical. Otherwise the inflaton field would simply remain in a homogeneous quantum state. How this quantum to classical transition happens remains a subject of dispute. It is the old measurement problem of quantum mechanics realized on a cosmic scale.

The Global Structure of Spacetime?

Can we know the global structure of spacetime?

In general relativity, our past light cone does not fix the rest of the structure of spacetime. This means that the fullest knowledge of what we can see in our past is insufficient to determine the structure of the remainder of spacetime.

Speculative cosmologies

How do we divide empirically respectable cosmology from fanciful conjecture?

Present cosmological theories spans a range from modest, observationally grounded theorizing to the wildest speculation. When have we passed beyond respectable science? What criteria do we use to decide?

From Max Tegmark's "The Multiverse Hierarchy," https://arxiv.org/pdf/0905.1283.pdf


Level I: A generic prediction of cosmological inflation is an infinite “ergodic” space, which contains Hubble volumes realizing all initial conditions — including an identical copy of you about 101029 m away.

Level II: Given the fundamental laws of physics that physicists one day hope to capture with equations on a T-shirt, different regions of space can exhibit different effective laws of physics (physical constants, dimensionality, particle content, etc.) corresponding to different local minima in a landscape of possibilities.

Level III: In unitary quantum mechanics, other branches of the wavefunction add nothing qualitatively new, which is ironic given that this level has historically been the most controversial.

Level IV: Other mathematical structures give different fundamental equations of physics for that T- shirt.


Anthropic Reasoning

Is anthropic reasoning cogent?

Why are we so fortunate to be in a universe where the fundamental constants have just the values needed to admit matter forms like us, on a temperate planet, orbiting nicely behaved stars. Anthropic reasoning explains our good fortune by noting that, if the constants were otherwise, we would not be here to ask the question. Cosmological ideas are then introduced to bolster this approach. In multiverse theories, there are very many mini-universes, each with different combinations of values of the constants. We are in the one with the values we see since we could not be in any other.

The relative authority of observation versus simulation

Do inferences from observations always prevail over inferences from simulations?

There are two major trends in modern cosmology. One is the flood of new data coming from a range of observational sources, including observations of distant supernovae and the cosmic background radiation and its fluctuations. The second is a series of ever more sophisticated simulations, most commonly of structure formation in the cosmos. In other contexts, the philosophical debate concerns whether one has authority over the other. Do the issues of this debate arise in cosmology?

The Integration Problem

How do we integrate the many sciences that contribute to modern cosmology?

Modern cosmological theorizing draws on many sciences. There is the core cosmological theory that delivers the ΛCDM model. It draws on the spacetime geometry of general relativity; astronomy for its observation of stars and galaxes; on chemistry and nuclear physics for the transitions in the matter content of the cosmos; and much more. The science is more a collaborative of many sciences. How are the pieces to be fitted together?

Sean Carroll: Ten Questions for the Philosophy of Cosmology


here Sean Carroll laments that we do not yet have a proper field of study that can be called "philosophy of cosmology." In an effort to launch the field, he posed ten questions. Quoted from Carroll's blog:

  1. In what sense, if any, is the universe fine-tuned?
    When can we say that physical parameters (cosmological constant, scale of electroweak symmetry breaking) or initial conditions are “unnatural”? What sets the appropriate measure with respect to which we judge naturalness of physical and cosmological parameters? Is there an explanation for cosmological coincidences such as the approximate equality between the density of matter and vacuum energy? Does inflation solve these problems, or exacerbate them? What conclusions should we draw from the existence of fine-tuning?
  2. How is the arrow of time related to the special state of the early universe?
    What is the best way to formulate the past hypothesis (the early universe was in a low entropy state) and the statistical postulate (uniform distribution within macrostates)? Can the early state be explained as a generic feature of dynamical processes, or is it associated with a specific quantum state of the universe, or should it be understood as a separate law of nature? In what way, if any, does the special early state help explain the temporal asymmetries of memory, causality, and quantum measurement?
  3. What is the proper role of the anthropic principle?
    Can anthropic reasoning be used to make reliable predictions? How do we define the appropriate reference class of observers? Given such a class, is there any reason to think of ourselves as “typical” within it? Does the prediction of freak observers (Boltzmann Brains) count as evidence against a cosmological scenario?
  4. What part should unobservable realms play in cosmological models?
    Does cosmic evolution naturally generate pocket universes, baby universes, or many branches of the wave function? Are other “universes” part of science if they can never be observed? How do we evaluate such models, and does the traditional process of scientific theory choice need to be adapted to account for non-falsifiable predictions? How confident can we ever be in early-universe scenarios such as inflation?
  5. What is the quantum state of the universe, and how does it evolve?
    Is there a unique prescription for calculating the wave function of the universe? Under what conditions are different parts of the quantum state “real,” in the sense that observers within them should be counted? What aspects of cosmology depend on competing formulations of quantum mechanics (Everett, dynamical collapse, hidden variables, etc.)? Do quantum fluctuations happen in equilibrium? What role does decoherence play in cosmic evolution? How does do quantum and classical probabilities arise in cosmological predictions? What defines classical histories within the quantum state?
  6. Are space and time emergent or fundamental?
    Is quantum gravity a theory of quantized spacetime, or is spacetime only an approximation valid in a certain regime? What are the fundamental degrees of freedom? Is there a well-defined Hilbert space for the universe, and what is its dimensionality? Is time evolution fundamental, or does time emerge from correlations within a static state?
  7. What is the role of infinity in cosmology?
    Can the universe be infinitely big? Are the fundamental laws ultimate discrete? Can there be an essential difference between “infinite” and “really big”? Can the arrow of time be explained if the universe has an infinite amount of room in which to evolve? Are there preferred ways to compare infinitely big subsets of an infinite space of states?
  8. Can the universe have a beginning, or can it be eternal?
    Does a universe with a first moment require a cause or deeper explanation? Are there reasons why there is something rather than nothing? Can the universe be cyclic, with a consistent arrow of time? Could it be eternal and statistically symmetric around some moment of lowest entropy?
  9. How do physical laws and causality apply to the universe as a whole?
    Can laws be said to change or evolve? Does the universe as a whole maximize some interesting quantity such as simplicity, goodness, interestingness, or fecundity? Should laws be understood as governing/generative entities, or are they just a convenient way to compactly represent a large number of facts? Is the universe complete in itself, or does it require external factors to sustain it? Do the laws of physics require ultimate explanations, or can they simply be?
  10. How do complex structures and order come into existence and evolve?
    Is complexity a transient phenomenon that depends on entropy generation? Are there general principles governing physical, biological, and psychological complexity? Is the appearance of life likely or inevitable? Does consciousness play a central role in accounting for the universe?