Student Absentee Note Policy


Excerpt from Student Handbook 1999-00, University of Pittsburgh/Bradford, pages 10-11.

Student Absenteeism Due to Illness or Injury

When a student is absent from class due to illness or injury, it is the responsibility of the student to communicate with his/her professor and to follow the requirements of the professor regarding the course work missed. Penalties for absenteeism depend upon the policy and discretion of the professor, as outlined in the course syllabus.

Written notification of professors regarding student absenteeism due to illness is provided by the Director of Health Services only when a student is hospitalized or has an extended illness requiring three or more consecutive days of absence or hospitalization.

Professors wishing to verify other cases of student absence due to illness or injury may call the Director of Health Services at 362-7631. Dates on which the student received care can be verified in this way; other health information is confidential. Written notification is not provided for individual classes missed due to illness.


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