Possible Essay Questions
Test Two

Discuss some differences and similarities between the male protagonists we have encountered thus far and the females. Consider especially whether or not female detectives fit as comfortably into the "hard-boiled" novel as male detectives. Why or why not?

Discuss some similarities and differences between Kinsey Millhone and Sharon McCone. You may wish to consider professional circumstances, domestic circumstances, lifestyles, approaches to problem solving, etc. Most importantly, discuss how these things affect your reaction to them as a reader.

Discuss the thematic role of suicide in Dead Midnight.

We have read four novels thus far. Write a two paragraph essay. In the first paragraph, discuss what you consider to be the least effective novel and why. In the second paragraph, discuss what you consider to be the most effective novel and why. Avoid simple impressionistic responses ("it's funny," "it's boring," "it's sad") and strive for analytical assessments.

Write a brief essay in which you summarize the career, style and achievements of Sue Grafton or Marcia Muller.