Calculus of Variations

This page contains preliminary information for the Calculus of Variations course, Spring 2018, taught by Armin Schikorra.

All current information can be found on the courseweb!



Buttazzo, Giaquinta, Hildebrandt: One-dimensional Variational Problems

Handwritten notes will be provided via courseweb

Grade policy

The course grade will be determined as follows

  • Oral exam at end of the course: 80%
  • regular work on the assignments during the course: 20%

Class hours

Tuesdays, Thursdays: 2pm-3:30pm. Thackeray 703.

Office hours

Tuesdays, Thursdays: 3:30pm-4:30pm. Thackeray Hall, Room 410

Further office hours available upon request by email:

Exercise Sheets