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Valerie Kinloch co-authored 'Where is the Justice: Engaged Pedagogies in Schools and Communities'

Valerie Kinloch smiling with yellow shirt and necklace

Valerie Kinloch, the Renée and Richard Goldman Dean of the School of Education, released a new co-authored book titled, “Where is the Justice: Engaged Pedagogies in Schools and Communities (Teachers College Press and NCTE, 2021).

The book focuses on pedagogical practices that advance equity and encourage collaborations among stakeholders who are working to provide quality education within schools across the country.

Co-authors include:

  • Emily A. Nemeth, associate professor in the Department of Education at Denison University
  • Tamara T. Butler, executive director of the Avery Research Center and associate professor at the College of Charleston
  • Grace D. Player, assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Connecticut

“Our hope is that folks will come to this work interested in engaged pedagogies and in leaning into the powerful work and legacy of bell hooks,” Kinloch said, “especially when it comes to her belief that ‘When we all take risks, we participate mutually in the work of creating a learning community. Expanding both heart and mind, engaged pedagogy makes us better learners because it asks us to embrace and explore the practice of knowing together.’”

Kinloch added: “This is our hope. This is our commitment. This book is one offering of that hope and commitment.”