Welcome to My Webpage

Zoe Neal

This webpage is being written as a requirement for my ENGR0011 class but the content in the page is mine and what is posted is my choice and is not the position of the university and does not reflect on the university policies

My name is Zoe Neal and I am a first-year engineering student at the University of Pittsburgh. When deciding what I want to study in college, considered what do I like, and what it practical. In High School, I loved physics and I was involved in a lot of art related extracurriculars. To me, the perfect amalgam of art and physics is mechanical engineering. It is also a profitable career choice these days.

I am not from here, but I have come to love the city of Pittsburgh. There are so many things to do everyday around this city. There are so many organizations here to become apart of. There are so many good restaurants to eat at here. I haven`t been to any of them because I have no money, but I taste vicariously through my peers. I have met so many interesting people from all over the world since I have been in Pittsburgh. Living here for almost three months has been an amazing experience and I cannot wait to be here for 4 more years.

I plan on pursuing mechanical engineering. One thing I like about mechanical engineering is that it is so broad. There are so many different things I can do with my degree after I graduate. That is great for me because I have no idea what I want to do yet. I considered doing Civil Engineering for a while, but I feel as though that would limit my choices post-graduation. Hopefully internships and co-ops will help guide my decision in the right direction. I am participating in an internship now, it is related to food sustainability, so it doesn`t really align with what I want to study, but it is something that I am interested in and something that I enjoy. Due to my internship and a few other sustainability related clubs I joined, I considered doing environmental engineering. Yet again, I was worried about limiting myself when I am not sure what I want to do. Even with a degree in mechanical engineering, I could involve myself in sustainability related organizations and activities post-graduation.

Zoe Neal
304-2 Forbes Hall
3525 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA