Capture-Recapture Methods

Applications in Infectious Diseases

(Sutter RW, et al. (1))
Sekar and Deming and Lincoln- Peterson method
(Estimate prevalence and completeness)
CDC surveillance data;
hospital discharge data;
death certificate reports.
The population size of hospitalizations for pertussis and pertussis mortality in the United States from 1985 to 1988 were estimated from three independent surveillance sources.
(Sutter RW, et al. (2))
Sekar and Deming method
(Estimate prevalence)
CDC reports;
NCHS multiple-cause- of-death tapes.
The method of Sekar and Deming was applied to estimate the number of tetanus deaths in the period of 1978-1984 in the United States. Data were provided by two separate sources.
Sexual Transmitted Disease
(Rubin G, et al. (3))
method based on Bailey's mark-recapture model
(Estimate the size of population at risk)
CUSSP survey at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. The size of the population at risk for contracting a sexual transmitted disease due to direct sexual contact with a specified population whose size is known, was estimated by applying a mark-recapture model. The CUSSP survey was conducted in the fall of 1989 and the population at risk consists of all sexual active Cornell undergraduates and all their sexual partners.
(Modesitt SK, et al. (4))
(Estimate completeness of surveillance system)
Unsolicited (physicians and infection control practitioners)
Solicited (medical record and death certificate)
The completeness of AIDS surveillance system in Oregon from 1986 to 1987 was estimated by employing capture-recapture methodology. Two independent reporting components were used in this estimation.
(Hardy AM, et al. (5))
Sekar and Deming method
(Estimate completeness)
Surveillance system;
Death certificate.
The effectiveness of AIDS surveillance systems in Washington, DC, New York City, Boston and Chicago was estimated. This study was conducted in 1985 and used two information sources to ascertain the completeness of the reporting system.
(Davis SF, et al. (6))
Sekar and Deming method
(Estimate prevalence and completeness)
Pediatric emergency room logs;
Computerized billing records;
Infection control records.
The number of measles cases for persons under age 19, presented to the 12 selected city hospitals from January through March 1991 in New York City were estimated. The reporting efficiency was also estimated.
Meningococcal infection
(Hubert B, et al. (7))
(Estimate size of population)
Mandatory notification records;
National reference center records.
Two-sample capture-recapture method was used to estimate the number of cases of meningococcal infection occurring in 1989 and 1990 in France. The degree of exhaustiveness and representativeness of the surveillance system were also estimated.
(McGilchrist CA, et al (8))
Log-linear model
(Estimate the size of the epidemic)
reports by doctors; hospitals;
laboratories and others
Log-linear model was used to estimate the size of the measles epidemic by comparing the cases reported separately by doctors, hospitals, laboratories and others.
Meningococcal Disease
(Ackman DM, et al (9))
(Estimate the completeness of reporting)
Reports to Department of Health surveillance system;
New York State hospital discharge data
Two-sample capture-recapture was used to assess the completeness of reporting of meningococcal disease in 1991 in the state of New York. Completeness of reporting to the notifiable disease surveillance system was estimated to be 93% and 78% were reported within 2 days of diagnosis.
(Abeni DD, et al. (10))
Log-linear model
(Estimate size of population)
Reports from four large testing sites Log-linear model was employed to determine the size of the population with HIV-1 infection in Lazio, Italy during 1990. The estimated prevalences were 5.65 per 1,000 among males and 1.84 per 1,000 among females in the population age 15-64 years.
(Dromer F, et al. (11))
(Estimate completeness of survey system)
Data from NRCM and RNSP The data collected during a nationwide survey of cryptococcosis (1985-93) in France were analyzed. To evaluate the completeness of the survey system, 2-sample CR method was used to cross-checked the data on patients diagnosed with AIDS and cryptococcosis from NRCM and RNSP.


  1. Sutter RW, Cochi SL. Pertussis hospitalizations and mortality in the United States, 1985-1988. JAMA, 1992; 267:386-391.

  2. Sutter RW, Cochi SL, Brink EW, Sirotkin BI. Assessment of vital statistics and surveillance data for monitoring tetanus mortality, United States, 1979-1984. Am J Epidemiology, 1990;131:132-142.

  3. Rubin G, Umbach D, Shyu SF, Castillo-Chavez C. Using mark- recapture methodology to estimate the size of a population at risk for sexually transmitted diseases. Statistics in Medicine, 1992;11:1533-1549.

  4. Modesitt SK, Julman S, Fleming D. Evaluation of active versus passive AIDS surveillance in Oregon. Am J Public Health, 1990;80:463-464.

  5. Hardy AM, Starcher ET, Morgan WM, et at. Review of death certificates to assess completeness of AIDS case reporting. Public Health Rep, 1987;102:386-391.

  6. Davis SF, Strebel PM, Atkinson WL, Markowitz LE, Sutter RW, Scanlon KS, Friedman S, Jadler SC. Reporting efficiency during a measles outbreak in New York City, 1991. Am J Public Health, 1993; 83:1011-1015.

  7. Hubert B, Desenclos JC. Evaluation of the exhaustivness and representativeness of a surveillance system using the capture- recapture method. Application to the surveillance of meningococcal infections in France in 1989 and 1990. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 1993;41(3):241-9.

  8. McGilchrist CA, McDonnell LF, Jorm LR, Patel MS. Loglinear models using capture-recapture methods to estimate the size of a measles epidemic. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1996;49(3):293-6.

  9. Ackman DM, Birkhead G, Flynn M. Assessment of surveillance for meningococcal disease in New York State, 1991. AJE 1996;144(1):78-82.

  10. Abeni DD, Brancato G, Perucci CA. Capture-recapture to estimate the size of the population with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Epidemiology 1994;5(4):410-4.

  11. Dromer F, Mathoulin S, Dupont B, Laporte A. Epidemiology of cryptococcosis in France: a 9-year survey (1985-1993). Clinical Infectious Disease 1996;23(1):82-90.