Capture-Recapture Methods

Applications in Cancer

Robles SC, et al.
(Estimate completeness)
Hospital discharge data;
Reports from cancer treatment centers;
Pathology reports;
Death certificate data.
The independent case ascertainment approach and the capture-recapture method were used to estimate the completeness at the Ontario Cancer Registry. The population size to be estimated consisted of all incident cases of cancer diagnosed in 1982 among Ontario residents.
(Hilsenbeck SG, et al. (2))
Capture-recapture; Log-linear, linear product models
(Estimate completeness and adjust incidence)
Florida Cancer Data System database The methods of capture-recapture and log-linear, linear, product models for incomplete tables were employed to estimate the completeness of reporting in a disease registry and to estimate incompleteness- adjusted incidence rates.
Breast Cancer
(Goldberg JD, et al. (3))
(Estimate false negative rates of mammography)
Four annual mammography. The capture-recapture method was applied to evaluate the effectiveness of mammography in New York when follow-up of individuals negative on screening is not performed or is incomplete.
Breast Cancer
(Grove JS, et al. (4))
Method similar to capture-recapture models
(Estimate sensitivity of screening)
Honolulu Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project. A generalized capture-recapture method was used to estimating breast cancer screening sensitivity when factors that affect sensitivity such as cancer size were considered.
(Walter SD, et al. (5))
Log-linear model
(Estimate completeness of registration)
Hospital discharge;
Pathology and regional cancer center reports;
Death certificates.
Cancer incidence rates were calculated for 22 cancer sites in 49 counties of Ontario during 1976 to 1986. Capture-recapture methods were used to estimate completeness of case registration.
(Schouten LJ, et al. (6))
Capture-recapture Log-linear model
(Estimate completeness of registry)
Pathology department reports;
Hospital medical records.
Capture-recapture methods were used to estimate the completeness of case ascertainment in three regional cancer registries in Netherlands in 1990, which are based on case finding by pathology laboratories and hospital records.
Childhood Cancer
(Dockerty JD, et al. (7))
(Estimate completeness of registry)
NZ cancer registry;
Patient management system;
Pathology reviews.
The accruacy and completeness of registration of childhood cancers (age 0 to 14 yrs) were assessed. During 1990-1993, 409 incident cases of childhood cancers were confirmed (age-standardized incidence rate = 131 per million person-years), and the capture-recapture estimate of total incident cases was 410.
(Seddon DJ, et al. (8))
(Estimate completeness)
Death certificant;
Clinically notified cases
Capture-recapture method was one of the measures to evaluate the data ascertainment in Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Registry. During 1990 and 1991, the ascertainment rates in this registry varied considerably between sites. Ascertainment appeared low for sites like female breast cancer and high for sites like lung.


  1. Robles SC, Marrett LD, Clarke EA, Risch HA. An application of capture-recapture methods to the estimation of completeness of cancer registration. J Clin Epidemiology, 1988;41:495-501.

  2. Hilsenbeck SG, Kurucz C, Duncan RC. Estimation of completeness and adjustment of age-specific and age- standardized incidence rates. Biometrics, 1992;48:1249-1262.

  3. Goldberg JD and Wittes JT. The estimation of false negatives in medical screening. Biometrics 1978;34:77-86.

  4. Grove JS, Goodman MJ, Gilbert FI, Low G. Estimating the sensitivity of breast cancer screening -experience with the Honolulu BCDDP data. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 1991;18:s97-s101.

  5. Walter SE, Birnie SE, Marrett LD, Taylor SM, Reynolds D, Davies J, Drake JJ and Hayes M. The geographic variation of cancer incidence in Ontario. Am J Public Health 1994;84(3):367-76.

  6. Schouten LJ, Straatman H, Kiemeney LALM, Gimbrere CHF, Verbeek ALM. The capture-recapture method for estimation of cancer registry completeness: a useful tool? Int J Epid 1994;23(6):1111-1116.

  7. Dockerty JD, Becroft DMO, Lewis ME, Williams SM. The accuracy and completeness of childhood cancer registration in New Zealand. Cancer Causes & Control 1997;8(6);857-864.

  8. Seddon DJ, Williams EM. Data quality in population-based cancer registration: an assessment of the Merseyside and Cheshire Cancer Registry. British J of Cancer 1997;76(5):667-74.