Writing Center Staff Website





Peer Tutoring Program

Our peer tutoring program, launched in 2000, is an important part of our educational mission as a university-based Writing Center. The peer tutoring program offers us the opportunity to work closely over the long term with undergrads who are deeply interested in writing and teaching. The mentoring, support, and teaching that we do with the peer tutors--as with grad student consultants--is part of the work of the Writing Center. Some consultants may elect to work closely with the peer tutors (observing and being observed, being interviewed, working on conference papers). Every consultant in the Writing Center is responsible for supporting the peer tutors' work by treating the peer tutors with collegiality.

Students who want to become peer tutors are required to take Tutoring for Peer Writers, EngCmp 1210. Here is the short description of the course:  "This course prepares students to be effective tutors for peer writers by introducing them to issues and scholarship in teaching, writing, and working as a tutor.  The course is appropriate for students from any discipline who are interested in careers in teaching or who recognize the importance and difficulty of responding well to drafts written by others.  The course is a prerequisite for those students who wish to intern or work as peer tutors in the Writing Center."

After students take EngCmp 1210, students may apply to become peer interns. Interns get 3 credits, and they tutor five hours a week, attend weekly meetings, read further scholarship on writing center theory, and either substantially revise their research paper from the course or draft a new research paper. After the internship, peer tutors may apply to work in the Writing Center for eleven hours a week (10 hours of tutoring, 1 hour meeting) at an hourly rate that exceeds minimum wage.

Our peer tutors have contributed in significant ways to the culture and effectiveness of the Writing Center.

If you have any questions, please contact Jean Grace, who will be teaching the Tutoring Peer Writers Class.

More Information

Learn more about the Peer Tutoring Award.

Read archived peer intern essays (with bibliographies)

See a list of peer tutoring alums.

Download the (2003) Course Description and Assignments for Tutoring Peer Writers. (You will need Acrobat Reader, free downloadable software, to read this file.)


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