Writing Center Staff Website






Other Writing Centers

In addition to offering interesting insight into how other Writing Centers operate, many of these sites also offer links and materials that can be useful to students.
Umbrella Organizations

There are a number of national writing center associations that offer links to writing centers and resources.

The International Writing Centers Association offers links to many Writing Centers

Writing Centers Consortium

Writing Centers at Association of American Universities Institutions




University of Wisonsin-Madison

Colorado State University Writing Center provides reference materials, interactive tutorials, and annotated example texts.

Michigan State University

University of Pennsylvania's Kelly Writers' House

Northwestern's Writing Place (Peer Tutors)

University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill

Ohio State University

Writing Centers at Other Institutions

Colby Colege


Dakota State University

Weber State

St. Cloud State
Centers That Offer On-line Tutoring

We may eventually want to offer on-line tutoring.  Here are some Writing Centers that are already doing it.

Bemidiji State University Writing Resource offers e-mail answers to grammar questions (and a list of FAQs), on-line tutorials, and resources.

Ferris State University Writing Center will respond to drafts from students.  Many on-line resources. 


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Department of English
University of Pittsburgh

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