References for Stroke

Barthel Index

Mahoney FI, Barthel DW. (1965). Functional evaluation: The Barthel Index. Maryland State Med. Jl., 14:61-65.

Korner-Bitensky N, Wood-Dauphinee. (1995). Barthel index information elicited over the telephone: Is it reliable? Am Jl. Phys. Med. Rehabil., 74:9-18.

Wolfe CDA, Taub NA, Woodrow BA, et al. (1991). Assessment of scales of disability and handicap for stroke patients. Stroke, 22:1242-1244.

Depression Scales

Johnson G, Burvill PW, Anderson CS, et al. (1995). Screening instruments for depression and anxiety following stroke: Experience in the Perth community stroke study. Acta, Psychiat. Scand., 91:252-257.

Schubert D, Burnes R, Paras W, et al. (1992). Decrease of depression during stroke and amputation rehabilitation. General Hosp. Psychiatry, 14:135-141.

McMaster Family Assessment Device

Epstein NB, Baldwin LM, Bishop DS. (1983). The McMaster Family Assessment Device. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 9(2):171-180.

Miller IW, Bishop DS, Epstein NB, Keitner GI. (1985). The McMaster Family assessment device: reliability and validity. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 11(4):345-356.

Fugl-Meyer Stroke Assessment

Duncan PW, Propst M, Nelson SG. (1983). Reliability of the Fugl- Meyer Assessment of sensorimotor recovery following cerebrovascular accident. Physical Therapy, 63, 1606-1610.

Fugl-Meyer AR (1980). Post-stroke hemiplegia assessment of physical properties. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 7, 85-93.

Glasgow Coma Scale

Hall K, Cope N, Rappaport M (1985). Glasgow outcome scale: Comparative usefulness in following recovery in traumatic head injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 66: 35-37.

Jennett B, et al. (1979). Prognosis of patients with severe head injury. Neurosurgery, 4:283-289.

Jennett B, Teasdale G (1977). Aspects of coma after severe head injury. The Lancet, 1:878-881.

Teasdale G, Jennett B. (1974). Assessment of coma and impaired consciousness. The Lancet, 2:81-83.

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

Holbrook M, Skilbeck CE. (1983). An activities index for use with stroke patients. Age and Ageing, 12,166-170.

Lawton MP. (1988). Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Scale: Original Observer-Rated Version. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 24, 785-787.

Lawton MP, Brody EM. (1969). Assessment of older people: self- monitoring and instrumental activities of daily living. Gerontologist, 9. 179-186.

Schuling J, de Haan R, Limburg M, Groenier KH. (1993). The Frenchay Activitie Index: Assessment of Functional Status in Stroke Patients. Stroke, 24, 1173-1177.

Mental Status

Dick JPR, Guiloff RJ, et al. (1984). Mini-mental state examination in neurological patients. J Neuro. Neurosurg. Psych.,47:496-499.

Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. (1975). Mini-mental state. J Psychiat. Res., 12:189-198.

Kiernan RJ, Mueller J, Langston JW, Van Dyke C. (1987). The neurobehavioral cognitive screening examination: Comparison with the Cognitive Capacity Screening Examination and the Mini-Mental State Examination in a neurosurgical population. Ann. Inter. Med., 107:486-491.

Schwamm LH, Van Dyke C, Kiernan RJ, et al. (1987). The neurobehavioral cognitive screening examination: A brief but quantitative approach to cognitive assessment. Ann Inter. Med., 107:481-485.

Motor Assessment Scale (MAS)

Carr JH, Shepher RB, Nordholm L, Lynne D. (1985). Investigation of a new motor assessment scale for stroke patients. Physical Therapy, 65(2):175-180.

Loewen SC, Anderson BA. (1988). Reliability of the Modified Motor Assessment Scale and the Barthel Index. Physical Therapy, 68: 1077-1081.

Poole JL, Whitney SL. (1988). Motor Assessment scale for stroke patients: Concurrent validity and interrater reliability. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Mar:195- 197.

Rankin Scale

Rankin J. (1957). Cerebral vascular accidents in patients over the age of 60: II. Prognosis. Scot. Med. J., 2:200-215.

De Haan R, Limberg, Bossuyt P, et al. (1995). The clinical meaning of Rankin "handicap" grades after stroke. Stroke, 26: 2027-2030.

Van Swieten JC, Koudstaal PJ, Visser MC, et al. (1988). Intraobserver agreement for the assessment of handicap in stroke patients. Stroke, 19: 604-607.

Sickness Impact Profile (SIP)

Bergner M, Bobbitt RA, Carter WB, Gilson BS. (1981). The Sickness Impact Profile: Development and final revision of a health status measure. Medical Care, 19:787-805.

MacKenzie CR, Charlson ME, Digioia D, et al. (1986). Can the Sickness Impact Profile Measure Change? An example of scale assessment. Journal of Chronic Disability, 39:429-438.

Standardized Assessments

Cole B, Finch E, Gowland C, Mayo N. (1994). Physical Rehabilitation Outcome Measures. Toronto: Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

Gowland C. (1991). Standardized Physical Therapy Measurements for Assessing Impairment and Disability Following Stroke. Neurology Report, 15,9-14.

Johnston, MV, Keith, RA, Hinderer, SR. (1992). Measurement Standards for Interdisciplinary Medical Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 73, S3- S23.

Podsiadlo D, Richardon S. (1991). The Timed "Up & Go:" A test of basic functional mobility for frail elderly persons. Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 39,142-148.

Reuben DB, Siu AL. (1990). An objective measure of physical function of elderly outpatients: The physical performance test. Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 38,1105-1112.

Rothstein J, Echternach J. (1993). Primer on Measurement: An Introductory Guide to Measurement Issues. Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association.

Rothstein J. (1985). Measurement in Physical Therapy. New York: Churchill Livingstone.

Rothstein J.(Ed.). (1994). Special issue: Physical disability, Physical Therapy, 74.

Wade DT. (1992). Measurement in Neurological Rehabilitation. New York: Oxford University Press.

World Health Organization (WHO). (1980). International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps.Geneva, World Health Organization.

Stroke Deficit Scales

Brott T, Adams HP, Olinger CP, et al. (1989). Measurements of acute cerebral infarction: A clinical examination scale. Stroke, 20(7): 864-870.

Cote R, Battista RN, Wofson C, Boucher J, Adam J, Hachinski V. (1989). The Canadian Neurological Scale: Validation and Reliability Assessment. Neurology, 39: 638-43.

Cote R, Hachinski VC, Shurvell BL, Norris JW, Wolfson C. (1986). The Canadian Neurological Scale: A preliminary study in acute stroke. Stroke, 17:731-7.

Goldstein LB, Bertels C, Davis JN. (1989). Interrater reliability of the NIH stroke scale. Archives of Neurology, 46(6):660-2.

Wityk RJ, Pessin MS, Kaplan RF, Caplan LR. (1994). Serial assessment of acute stroke using the NIH stroke scale. Stroke, 25(2):362-365.

Stroke Guidelines

Giuliani CA. Understanding AHCPR clinical practice guideline No. 16: Post-stroke rehabilitation. (1995). PT: Magazine of Physical Therapy, October:51-82.

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research published the Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Guidelines in 1995 and they are available at the following address:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Public Health Service

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

Executive Office Center, Suite 501

2101 East Jefferson Street

Rockville, MD 20852

SF 36

Ware JE. (1994). SF-36 Physical and mental health summary scales: A user's manual. The Health Institute, New England Medical Center. Boston, MA.

These are some of the more current references available that you could use to improve you care of the patient who has had a stroke.

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