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The map of community assets provide a tool for discovering individual and collective capacities and talents, as opposed to the usual practice: making an inventory of deficiencies of individuals or communities. It recognizes that each individual has talents, abilities, interests, and experiences that constitute a valuable arsenal that can be used for community development. The authors criticize focusing only on the list of problems and needs of communities for the provision of resources. The “alternative path of asset-based, internally focused, and relationship-driven” map developed by these authors is a comprehensive inventory of all possible capabilities of a local community. The community assets map includes not only individual’s strengths but also citizen associations like churches, clubs, cultural groups, and local institutions like schools, libraries, hospitals, universities, parks, etc. Internally focused refers to concentrating on the problem-solving capacities of the community. Together they provide answers for building or rebuilding relationships between and among individuals, local associations/organizations and institutions.