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1 Defend-Science-Email. 2012. North Carolina bans scientific predictions of sea-level rise. 9Aug
2 Huler, S. 2012. NC considers making sea level rise illegal. Scientific American 30May
3 Wald, M. L. 2012. Heat shuts down coastal reactor. New York Times 13Aug
4 Ball, P. 2008. Where have all the flowers gone? Nature 454:374-375.
5 Grey, D. D. 2012. Wildlife traffickers profit by rampant corruption, lax tax laws in Asia. Associated Press 15Aug
6 Wassner, B. 2012. Mourning the elephants. New York Times 10Aug
7 Daly, H. 2012 as quoted in D. Korton, A plea for Rio + 20: don’t commodify. Yes Magazine 24Apr
8 Halpern, B. S., C. Longo, D. Hardy, K. L. McLeod, J. F. Samhouri, and 28 others. 2012. An index to assess the health and benefits of the global ocean. Nature 488:615–620.
9 Ehrlich, A. H. and P. R. Ehrlich. 2012. Pollyannas of population growth: fooled by culture gap. 1Sep Population Press
10 Clugston, C. Unpublished manuscript. Austerity – our new normal.
11 Somerville, R. C. J. 2012. Climate change, irreversibility, and urgency. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 13Aug
12 Cairns, J., Jr. 2010. Threats to the biosphere: eight interactive global crises. Journal of Cosmology 8:1906- 1915.
13 Cairns, J., Jr. 2012. The ninth threat to the biosphere: human thought processes. Supercourse Legacy Lecture. National Academy of sciences Members’ Lectures.


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