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Equidae and man are end hosts; mosquitoes are vectors; reservoir hosts are birds, small rodents, or the leopard frog. 3 serotypes from Eastern USA, Western USA and Venezuela (termed EEE, WEE and VEE). They were part of the old arbovirus (Arthropod borne) family.

Mammalian infection is from an infected mosquito bite, virus being in the saliva. More rarely, aerosol infection occurs between mammals.
- Biphasic infection :1st viremia and visceral replication occur 2-5 d.p.i. with pyrexia, depression and anorexia, and virus in aerosol and in urine. Recovery is possible at this stage.
- 2nd CNS replication at 6-8 d.p.i with paralysis of the lips, drooping eyelids and incoordination. This is often fatal. Neuronophagia, perivascular cuffing and gliosis in the CNS.