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95% confidence intervals (CIs) for adjusted proportional hazards regression coefficients.
FHS = Framingham Heart Study Framingham的心脏病研究;
LRCF = Lipid Research Clinics Prevalence Mortality Follow-up Study;
CPPT = Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial;
MRFIT = Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial 多风险因素干涉实验
为了确定 HDL-C于冠心病之间的关系是否独立于其他因素, Gordon et al 分析了在四个美国心血管病研究中( FHSLRCFCPPTMRFIT.1 HDL-C 和冠心病发病率之间的关系 (adjusting for age, blood pressure, smoking, body mass index, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol)
HDL-C 升高1-mg/dL 会使男性冠心病发病率降低2% (FHS, CPPT, and MRFIT) ,使女性冠心病发病率降低2% (FHS). LRCF 的回归系数是基于冠心病的死亡率,因为研究中只有死亡的结果被记录下来。
1. Gordon DJ, Probstfield JL, Garrison RJ, et al. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and cardiovascular disease: four prospective American studies. Circulation. 1989;79:8?5.