prev next front |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |30 |31 |32 |review
Cost a  Estimated cost in $US/person in 1994$
Protect b Estimated cost per person year of protection (1994$)
A - Guatemala 1976 - 1food fortification
B - Haiti 1978 - 2supplementation
C - Indonesia, Philippines 1975 - 2supplementation
D - Guatemala 1994 (high risk persons)- 3dietary modification

Reading: World Bank. Development in practice: Enriching lives: overcoming vitamin and mineral malnutrition in developing countries. 1994. Washington D.C., The World Bank.