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Further, there is a significant relationship between women at ages 30-74 and the geographic latitude. This is consistent with the considerable geographic variation in breast cancer mortality 24. For women aged 65 years and older, breast cancer mortality is 26% higher in New England than in the south, while incidence is only 3% higher 25. Mortality rates from breast cancer are approximately 25% higher for women in the northeastern United States than for women in the South or West 25. This can be depicted by the correlation with the geographic longitude, see Table VI. Investigators reported that "Jet Lag" is caused from air travel through changing time zones, and hence leading to disturbance of melatonin rhythms 26. The main but not only cause of jet lag is crossing time zones. Usually going east is worse than going west 27,28. Finally, the obtained negative relationship between mortality data and elevation is clear in the sense that reduced temperature occur higher elevation where there is less water vapor to trap and hold heat. The resulted regression model must be analyzed carefully. We believe that all the environmental factors are related together in such way that they represent an optimal integrated model. That is, we can not treat their influence on the mortality rate separately.Spatial variation in the distribution of breast cancer rates has been well documented, both internationally and within the United States 5,29. We proposed a medical-based Geographic Information System (mGIS) application for monitoring and reducing the risk factors associated with the spatial environmental factors, see Fig 4.