Suggested Readings
  1. Webster, RG. Influenza: An Emerging Disease. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 5:436-441, 1998.
  2. Glezen, WP, Couch, RB. Influenza Viruses. In Viral Infections of Humans. Epidemiology and Control. Edited by AS Evans. Third Edition. Pages 419-449.
  3. LaForce, FM, Nichol, KL, and Cox, NJ. Influenza: Virology, Epidemiology, Disease, and Prevention. Preventive Medicine. 10:31-44, 1994.
  4. Prevention and Control of Influenza. Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. April 14, 2000.

Suggeseted Sites

  1. Diseases: Communicable/Infectious Diseases by WHO
  2. Bird-to-Human Influenza (H5N1) by Outbreak
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  Influenza

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