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Vaccination Schedule by Country by PAHO

Rubella is the most teratogenic maternal illness Zero cases is the aim because an effective vaccine is available Last registered case in Spain was 12 years ago (1985) while in South America he was probably born today (1998). Be suspicious of blooming jacarandas, used to say Dr.Gregg in Sydney, because that is when rubella epidemics also blossom. Gregg’s warning is valid for all the southern hemisphere sub-tropical and temperate zones. Suspect of the vaccine validity (antigenic power): the main risk in backward areas is a break in the cold chain. Since underdevelopment is frequent in tropical zones, the danger of vaccines exposed to higher than allowed temperatures. is a real one.

South MA, Sever JH (1985) Teratogen update: The congenital rubella syndrome. Teratology 31:297-307.