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So, how do you improve your memory (this bit is good for exams!). You will remember this more than the rest of this lecture. Why? Because it has more relevance and therefore meaning to you.

1. Rehearse the information. Repeat it frequently.

2. Spread your study periods out, rather than cramming for one session only.

3. Avoid things (subjects and material) that interferes with the information you’re trying to learn.

4. Use deep processing (encoding) - think about what this stuff means - really contemplate it.

5. Practice problems - spend your time studying those things in the form which you will be required to perform (transfer-appropriate).

6. Use verbal mnemonics to enrich your encoding: Acrostics like Every Good Boy Deserves Favour gives the order of musical notes. Use acronyms, like VINDICATE for the different pathological processes, to remember lists.

7. Use visual imagery to create links and enrich your encoding - picture that which you are trying to learn.

8. Organize the information well into meaningful categories.

Summary: All the above strategies can help you remember!