ENVIRONMENT ISSUES  site:.gov filetype:ppt Google Web Search


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                                                                Feb3,09        Apr5,09          


Environment Issues                                 89.107          85,211 


Acid mine drainage                                        20                  18

Acid rain                                                          98                  96

Air pollution                                               1,470             1,470

Blast fishing                                                       0                    0

Bottom trawling                                                2                    1

Burial                                                             220                204

Chlorofluorocarbons                                     27                   27                          

Clearcutting                                                      9                  10

Climate Change                                         3,540             3,340

Conservation                                              6,360             5,960

Consumer capitalism                                       0                    0

Consumerism                                                  43                  49

Coral bleaching                                              26                   28

Cyanide fishing                                                1                     1

Dams +Environmental Impact                     16                   18

Dams                                                             599                  558

DDT                                                                74                    80

Deforestation                                                  81                   85

Desertification                                                43                   46

Dioxin                                                              54                   58

E-Waste                                                          32                    38

Energy                                                     37,600             35,700

Energy conservation                                   751                  695

Energy efficiency                                      2,340               2,370                          

Eutrophication                                               73                    70

Exploitation of natural resources                   0                      0

Fishing                                                        1,250               1,260

Fossil fuels                                                     474                  471

Genetic engineering                                       43                     42

Genetic pollution                                              0                      0

Ghost nets                                                         0                       0  

Global warming                                           850                   851

Greenhouse gas                                         1,300                1,310

Habitat destruction                                       20                      18

Habitat fragmentation                                  30                      31

Heavy metals                                               216                     224

Herbicides                                                   164                     179

Holocene extinction                                        0                         0

Illegal logging                                                 8                          9

Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing  1                       1

Intensive farming                                          1                          1

Invasive species                                         556                       504

Irrigation                                                1,160                    1,070

Land degradation                                       19                         19

Land pollution                                              4                           4

Light pollution                                            20                         20

Litter                                                          387                      378

Logging                                                   1,960                   1,850

Marine pollution                                         13                        14

Meat production environmental effects     0                          0

Mining                                                    3,200                    3,030

Monoculture                                               25                         23

Mountaintop removal mining                     0                           0

Nanopollution                                               0                           0

Nanotechnology                                        840                       840                 

Nanotoxicology                                             4                           4

Noise pollution                                            22                         23

Nuclear fallout                                            10                          9

Nuclear issues                                               6                          7

Nuclear meltdown                                        1                          1

Nuclear power                                          616                      596

Ocean dumping                                            7                          7

Oil spills                                                      79                        84

Overfishing                                                 42                        42

Overgrazing                                                12                        13

Overpopulation                                          12                         13

Ozone depletion                                         74                         73       

Pesticides                                               1,130                    1,100      

Planned obsolescence                                  5                           5                                         

Pollinator decline                                         0                          0

Pollution                                                4,560                    4,470

Renewable energy                                1,800                    1,680

Renewable energy commercialization    47                         46

Resource depletion                                   24                         24

Sea level rise                                            396                      372

Shark fishing                                               2                          2                                                

Soil                                                         5,370                   5,000

Soil conservation                                       57                        56

Soil contamination                                    27                        26

Soil erosion                                              267                      191                          

Soil salination                                              0                          0

Soil salinity                                                13                        10

Species extinction                                       8                          8

Toxic waste                                               47                         47

Toxics use reduction                                  2                          3

Toxins                                                      479                      459

Urban runoff                                            31                         33

Urban sprawl                                           53                         52

Waste disposal incidents                         30                         33

Waste                                                   7,510                    7,370

Water crisis                                                7                           9

Water pollution                                      330                       321

Whaling                                                     17                        20


The list of Environment Issues used in this section of the  Scientific Supercourse is derived from Wikipedia's List at




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