Advanced Study Institute (ASI)  project     

Preparing Regional Leaders with the Knowledge, Training and Instruments for Information Sharing and Decision-Making against Biological Threats and Pandemics”

November, 30 - December 8, 2008, Milan, ITALY

ASI Co-Directors

Organizing Committee

Scientific Background



Contributions and Deadlines

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Registration Fee





Contributions and Deadlines

One-page abstracts in WinWord format can be sent for a poster or an oral presentation as
Registration                                   -    5 November 2008
Submission of abstracts deadline -    5 November 2008

Call for Attendance

Imagine this: You're lost in a foreign country. When you ask for help, everyone answers in their native tongue. You're frustrated and anxious because you can't get the information you  need. You're hoping someone will come along who speaks your language to lead you in the right direction.  Nowadays those who pretend to be a somebody from  the capital  letter and move up have to speak at least one foreign language. They do have to understand at least one minor discipline. Globalization, internationalization and cooperation carry their multilingual and multidisciplinary entities.  

At  the ASI  “Preparing regional leaders with the knowledge, training and instruments for information sharing and decision-making against biological threats and pandemics”  thoroughly selected students (distinguished and prospective persons in their regions)  will be armed with advanced information and information theories, directions, approaches , schemes and tools  on counteracting to natural and man-made disasters as interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary problem.

Eligible countries:

NATO countries

Partner Countries (NIS countries) with preferences to  Russia and -Asian NIS – Caucasus( Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan ) and   Middle Asia -( Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan,  Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan).

Contact information
For further information:
Dr. Alessandra Rossodivita 


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