Week 1

Study Guide Test 2

Professor Stern-Social Psychology


Note: This is a topical guide.  It is a list of topics covered.  It is not simply a list of terms to memorize.  It does not necessarily include all of the topics in the text and lecture.


Effects of group membership (ethnicity, nationality, gender)

Rules of group membership (norms, roles…)

Gender differences

Genetic (evolutionary) explanations of mating    behavior (Buss)

Reactions to social influence (Kelman, 1958)

The power of the situation


Asch’s experiments

Factors that influence conformity

Obedience to Authority

Milgram’s study and follow up studies

Bases of Power (French and Raven)

Influence tactics (Kipnis)

Metamorphic effects of power (Kipnis)

Zimbardo’s prison study

What influences persuasion

Central vs. Peripheral routes to persuasion

Communicator effects

Message effects

Foot in the door

Door in the face

Low Ball technique

Leading a cult

Social facilitation

Dominant response theory

Social Loafing

Evaluation apprehension


