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Spring 2005 Events
An Islamic perspective on Martin Luther King Jr.'s Philosophy
Far from being a deep analysis of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s philosophy, this presentation is intended to give an Islamic perspective on some of his opinions. We will focus on Dr. King's ideals such as nonviolence, human equality, civil rights, and power of love.
6:30 PM, Janruary 25th, WPU Dining Room A  [map]

Rumi (A Documentary)
There are some significant personalities who with the help of their voice and breath, their love and excitement, and their promise for humanity always remain fresh and alive over the course of centuries. Time evidently fails to make these characters obsolete. Their thoughts, analyses, explanations, and spiritual messages, which will never be lost, represent, ever anew, alternative solutions and prescriptions for today's social problems, in great variety and diversity.
Rumi is one such personality. Despite the vast amount of time that separates his life from ours, Rumi continues to hear and to listen to us,C to share our feelings, to present solutions to our problems in a voice that is without equal.

6:30 PM, February 22nd, WPU Room 511  [map]

Noah's Pudding
When the Great Flood ended, Noah (peace be upon him) prepared a pudding for his people from what they had left in the ship. It is called Ashura, or Noah's Pudding. Every year people cook this pudding to remember Noah (peace be upon him) and God's mercy on him.
Everybody is invited to taste this delicious pudding which has a tradition of thousands of years and learn more about a messenger of God who is respected by Muslims, Christians and Jews.

6:30 PM, March 1st, WPU Dining Room A  [map]

Islam, a Healing to Inner and Social Problems
In this lecture, a symbolic story is used to show how Islam can be a cure for our inner and social problems. The difficulties we face such as, losing our beloved ones, illnesses and our social problems can become frustrating. This lecture takes us into a story, where we learn how to turn challenges into pleasures.
6:30 PM, March 22nd, WPU Dining Room A  [map]

Abraham, Father of Prophets
Qur'an says: "There is for you an excellent example in Abraham and those with him." (60,4)
Abraham(PBUH) is known as the father of the prophets and loved by people of various religions. So many years after him, we believe that his message has a lot to give us Muslims, Christians and Jews. Considering that he was a father, who asked God for righteous successors in his prayers, we will try to open new perspectives through the practice of taking lessons from our common ancestor's glorious life.

6:30 PM, April 4th, WPU Dining Room A  [map]


Documents for Round Table Discussion

Presentation: Nature and Love

Pictures From Our Event


(Link to  brochure for the fall 2004 program)

Islamic Studies Group
University Of Pittsburgh