MUSIC - Music

MUSIC 0121

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MUSIC 0121

MUSIC 0121 Basic Musicianship: Class Piano
Professor ??? Japanese woman
Term 99-1
Required homework No
Required projects Yes - practice, and one recital (in class) at end of term
Required reading No
Required writing No
Final exam Yes - Cumulative
Format of quizzes, exams and final Basic music terms, notes, rests, beat, etc
Books required 2
Were book(s) actually needed Yes
Book(s) approximate total cost $19.00
Additional comments This class was SIMPLE.  If you have any musical background in any instrument/voice, you will get an A.  That being the case, the class was also VERY boring.  The teacher's accent was difficult to understand at times.  Attendance was mandatory, and was a large part of the grade.


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