Jayant Rajgopal


Most of the courses that I teach are in areas related to Operations Research. Here are some of the courses I have taught in the past, am teaching now, or will teach in the near future:

ENGR 0011: Introduction to Engineering Analysis
ENGR 0020: Probability and Statistics for Engineers - I
dot ENGR 1600: INNOVATE: Global Engineering Technology
IE 1081: Linear Programming
IE 1056/2083: Production and Inventory Control
IE 1080/2100: Supply Chain Analysis
IE 1062/2062: Data Mining
IE 2001: Operations Research
IE 2081: Nonlinear Optimization
IE 2082: Linear Optimization
IE 3086: Introduction to Dynamic and Integer Programming
IE 3084: OR Models in Production

In addition to my regular teaching, I also serve as the graduate program director for the I.E. Department at Pitt.

Related to teaching, I have two other areas of interest. 

I am a firm believer in preparing students to work in a global society and my first area of interest relates to international programs such as study abroad, student exchanges, faculty mobility and international dimensions to engineering. I serve as one of the focal points within the School of Engineering at Pitt for several initiatives related to these programs.

The other interest is the general area of undergraduate engineering education, and techniques such as active and cooperative learning.  My interests arise mainly from the paradigm that "it ain't teaching if there ain't no learning" (or something like that...).

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