Name of Academic Unit ___________________________
Academic Integrity:
Student Obligations

I. Student Obligations

A student has an obligation to exhibit honesty and to respect the ethical standards of the profession in carrying out his or her academic assignments. Without limiting the application of this principle, a student may be found to have violated this obligation if he or she: (see noteconcerning more appropriate invocation of University of Pittsburgh Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures)

 1. Refers during an academic evaluation to materials or sources, or employs devices, not authorized by the faculty member.

2. Provides assistance during an academic evaluation to another person in a manner not authorized by the faculty member.

3. Receives assistance during an academic evaluation from another person in a manner not authorized by the faculty member.

4. Engages in unauthorized possession, buying, selling, obtaining, or use of any materials intended to be used as an instrument of academic evaluation in advance of its administration.

5. Acts as a substitute for another person in any academic evaluation process.

6. Utilizes a substitute in any academic evaluation proceeding.

7. Practices any form of deceit in an academic evaluation proceeding.

8. Depends on the aid of others in a manner expressly prohibited by the faculty member, in the research, preparation, creation, writing, performing, or publication of work to be submitted for academic credit or evaluation.

9. Provides aid to another person, knowing such aid is expressly prohibited by the instructor, in the research, preparation, creation, writing, performing, or publication of work to be submitted for academic credit or evaluation.

10. Presents as one's own, for academic evaluation, the ideas, representations, or words of another person or persons without customary and proper acknowledgment of sources.

11. Submits the work of another person in a manner which represents the work to be one's own.

12. Knowingly permits one's work to be submitted by another person without the faculty member's authorization.

13. Attempts to influence or change one's academic evaluation or record for reasons other than achievement or merit.

14. Indulges, during a class (or examination) session in which one is a student, in conduct which is so disruptive as to infringe upon the rights of the faculty member or fellow students.

15. Fails to cooperate, if called upon, in the investigation or disposition of any allegation of dishonesty pertaining to another student.

16. Violates the canons of ethics of [here refer to relevant discipline or disciplines.]

Back to the Academic Integrity Guidelines' Opening

On to Procedures for Adjudication
On to Timeliness
On to Sanctions

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