Bernie Poole's Personal Pages

This beautiful vine of Tudor roses above was created by Lara E Eakin
It decorates her superb web site devoted to the Tudors
Being Tudor, and thus being English, the Tudor rose is a symbol of my English roots...

and I'm proud of it


Click on the above picture to see it enlarged and to learn more about my family


This is a shot of my family taken, probably, in the Spring of 1944, when we were still living in our evacuation home in the village of Haunton, Staffordshire, England.


Yes, I was a war baby and, Yes, that's me in my mother's arms. My oldest sister, Mary, is standing on the right; she's barely 9 years old.  My oldest brother, Gerard, who was not yet 7, is not in the picture, so I'm guessing he took it (and did a good job). Amazingly, there's not much more than eight years between the birth of my oldest sister and me--eight children in a little over eight years!  And here's the kicker: mom's already carrying the 9th child, Francis, who was born about nine months after this picture was taken. Three more were to follow, making a total of 12 children in all.


In Memoriam

My father

William Gerard Poole

March 18, 1909 to September 13, 1965

My mother

Winifred Lucy Poole

February 15, 1909 to August 4, 2007

More about my family and me

Mother Poole's 90th birthday

A pot pourri of pics :)

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© Bernie Poole 1996-2015, All rights reserved / / (724) 244-4939 / Revised January, 2015