Grady's Unfolding Story: The Seventh Year
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    July 27, 2005

    Grady is continuing to do well. The artane for dystonia and keppra for seizures seems to be making for a mostly happy, pleasant boy. No seizures for almost 2 years now (keppra + topamax). The topamax had to be cut back because Grady was unable to sweat and getting overheated. My big goal now is to develop Grady's communication skills further. The insurance company makes this a struggle as far as educating us on what to do to help Grady and most of his help comes from school therapy. I've become less happy with the Children's Institute over the years. I think because of insurance company pressures they are focusing on helping the kids who probably least need their help because they make enough rapid progress to keep the insurance companies happy.

    September 2, 2005

    Grady started school again on Monday. He moved from the Early Childhood Department to the Elementary Department at the Western PA School for Blind Children. His first week of school went great. He already knows his classmates from previous school years and is happy with his new teacher. He adapts to these changes much better than I do! I always worry about any and everything whenever he changes classrooms.