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2009-10 monthly bulletins

7 July 2009

     Peterfest: A Workshop in Honor of Peter Machamer 24 October 2009
     Call for papers for Pitt-Paris II

     Call for papers for Newton and Empiricism

     So, what's it like?

30 July 2009

     Second Call for Papers; deadline August 15
     Emergence and Reduction in the Sciences
     Second Pittsburgh-Paris Workshop
     Center for Philosophy of Science and Department of History and Philosophy of      Science, University of Pittsburgh
     Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, Paris
      Friday, December 11- Saturday, December 12, 2009 (possibly extending to      morning, Sunday, December 13) at the Center for Philosophy of Science,      University of Pittsburgh
     See workshop Web page:  Pitt-Paris II

     For more, visit the Center Web site: www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr

     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
     John D. Norton, Director

     For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

3 August 2009

     ::: Welcome 2009-10 Visiting Fellows and Postdoctoral Fellows

     Peterfest: A Workshop in Honor of Peter Machamer 24 October 2009
     Call for papers for Pitt-Paris II

     Call for papers for Newton and Empiricism

      So, what's it like?

2 September 2009

     We welcome our 2009-10 Visiting Fellows and Postdoctoral Fellows.  Arriving      this month: Lisa Damm, Natalie Gold, Lydia Patton, Slobodan Perovic, Athanassios      Raftopoulos, Mark Sprevak, and Drozdstoj Stoyanov.

     Speakers this month are Nicholas Rescher, Natalie Gold, Kristin Shrader-Frechette,      Slobodan Perovic, and Lisa Damm.  See Calendar for details.

     Please join us for:

     Peterfest: a workshop in honor of Peter Machamer, 24 October 2009,

     Francis Crick Biography Workshop, 20 November 2009, and

     Pitt-Paris II, a workshop on Emergence and Reduction, 11-13 December 2009.

     Call for papers for Newton and Empiricism

     Interested in visiting?
     Through its Visiting Fellows and Postdoctoral Programs the Center for Philosophy      of Science invites philosophers of science to work in the Center for a term or a      year.  More . . .

     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA  USA
     John D. Norton, Director

     For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

16 September 2009


    Dear Staff,
    We are pleased to announce that our Annual Review is now     available on line at
    Annual Review 2008-2009.

    John D. Norton, Director
    Center for Philosophy of Science



21 September 2009

     The Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, announces two      postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2010-2011.  Each fellowship      includes a $40,000 stipend with benefits.  Eligible candidates must be within 5      years of the awarding of their doctorates at the time of commencement in      September 2010 and must have their doctorate awarded by April 15, 2010.

     Visit the Center Web site for more details about the Postdoctoral Fellows      Program.

     John D. Norton
     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh


1 October 2009

     Speakers this month are Lydia Patton, Drozdstoj Stoyanov, Mark Sprevak,      Athanassios Raftopoulos, John Norton, and Alan Baker.  See the October      Calendar for details.

     Please join us for:

     Peterfest, A Workshop in Honor of Peter Machamer, 24 October 2009,

     Francis Crick Biography Workshop, 20 November 2009, and

     Pitt-Paris II, a workshop on Emergence and Reduction, 11-13 December 2009.

     Call for papers for Newton and Empiricism.

     We are pleased to announce that our Director's Annual Review is now available      on line at Annual Review 2008-2009.

     Interested in visiting?
     Through its Visiting Fellows and Postdoctoral Programs the Center for Philosophy      of Science invites philosophers of science to work in the Center for a term or a      year.  More . . .

     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA  USA
     John D. Norton, Director

     For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

21 October 2009

     Second Call for Papers; deadline December 1

     Newton and Empiricism
     Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
     10-11 April 2010

      Invited Speaker: Lisa Downing ( Ohio State)

     Program Committee: Zvi Biener (Western Michigan University), J. E. McGuire      (University of Pittsburgh), and Eric Schliesser (University of Leiden)

     Call for papers

     Isaac Newton and John Locke are sometimes portrayed as dual fathers of the      British Enlightenment, with Newton providing the exemplar of human knowledge      and Locke providing the philosophical infrastructure required for understanding      the merit and reach of that exemplar. Yet their union was neither simple nor      unchallenged. Newton’s empiricism developed while defending and revising his      Principia against philosophical critique, and Locke’s hospitability to Newtonian      gravity and realization of Newton’s achievement developed through successive      drafts of the Essay and other texts. Moreover, similar complexity exists in the      work of Newton’s and Locke’s intellectual heirs. This conference will focus on the      compatibility and incompatibility, tensions, and developing relations between      Newton, Locke, and their successors in Newtonianism and Empiricism.

     The conference will take place on 10-11 April 2010 at the Center for Philosophy of      Science, University of Pittsburgh. Possible conference participants should note      that Catherine Wilson ( University of Aberdeen) will deliver an Annual Lecture      Series talk for the Center for Philosophy of Science on the afternoon of 9 April      2010. Conference participants are encouraged to attend.

     Partial travel stipends will be available for young scholars, who are highly      encouraged to submit abstracts.

     The deadline for submitting abstracts (of approximately 750 words) is 1 December      2009. Email submissions are highly encouraged and can be sent to Zvi Biener at      zvi.biener@wmich.edu.  If you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your      abstract within a week, please resubmit or contact the organizers.

     For updates, visit the Center Web site: www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr

2 November 2009

     Speakers this month are A.W. Carus, Michela Massimi, Robert Rupert, and Hasok      Chang.  See Calendar for details.

     Please join us for:

     Francis Crick:  Hunter of Life's Secrets by Robert Olby Workshop, 20      November 2009,

     Pitt-Paris II, a workshop on Emergence and Reduction, 11-13 December 2009,      and

     Mitchell's Unsimple Truths Workshop, 3 February 2010.

     Call for papers for Newton and Empiricism

     Interested in visiting?
     See our Postdoctoral and our Visiting Fellows Programs.

     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
     John D. Norton, Director

     For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

20 November 2009

     Final Call for Papers; deadline December 1

     Newton and Empiricism
     Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
     10-11 April 2010

      Invited Speaker: Lisa Downing ( Ohio State)

     Program Committee: Zvi Biener (Western Michigan University), J. E. McGuire      (University of Pittsburgh), and Eric Schliesser (University of Leiden)

     Call for papers

     Isaac Newton and John Locke are sometimes portrayed as dual fathers of the      British Enlightenment, with Newton providing the exemplar of human knowledge      and Locke providing the philosophical infrastructure required for understanding      the merit and reach of that exemplar. Yet their union was neither simple nor      unchallenged. Newton’s empiricism developed while defending and revising his      Principia against philosophical critique, and Locke’s hospitability to Newtonian      gravity and realization of Newton’s achievement developed through successive      drafts of the Essay and other texts. Moreover, similar complexity exists in the      work of Newton’s and Locke’s intellectual heirs. This conference will focus on the      compatibility and incompatibility, tensions, and developing relations between      Newton, Locke, and their successors in Newtonianism and Empiricism.

     The conference will take place on 10-11 April 2010 at the Center for Philosophy of      Science, University of Pittsburgh. Possible conference participants should note      that Catherine Wilson ( University of Aberdeen) will deliver an Annual Lecture      Series talk for the Center for Philosophy of Science on the afternoon of 9 April      2010. Conference participants are encouraged to attend.

     Partial travel stipends will be available for young scholars, who are highly      encouraged to submit abstracts.

     The deadline for submitting abstracts (of approximately 750 words) is 1 December      2009. Email submissions are highly encouraged and can be sent to Zvi Biener at      zvi.biener@wmich.edu.  If you do not receive confirmation of receipt of your      abstract within a week, please resubmit or contact the organizers.

     For updates, visit the Center Web site: www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr

1 December 2009

     Speakers this month are Robert Rynasiewicz and Wayne Wu.  See Calendar for      more.

     Please join us for:

     Pitt-Paris II, a workshop on Emergence and Reduction, 11-13 December 2009,      and

     Mitchell's Unsimple Truths Workshop, 3, February 2010.

     Call for papers for Newton and Empiricism

     Interested in visiting?
     See our Postdoctoral and our Visiting Fellows Programs.

     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
     John D. Norton, Director

     For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

2 December 2009

     The application deadline of December 15 is approaching for postdoctoral      fellowships at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, for      the academic year 2010-2011. Each fellowship includes a $40,000 stipend with      benefits. Eligible candidates must be within 5 years of the awarding of their      doctorates at the time of commencement in September 2010 and must have their      doctorate awarded by April 15, 2010.

     The Center also maintains a Visiting Fellows Program for scholars at all stages of      their careers.

     For more details, see http://www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr/Joining/joining.htm

     John D. Norton
     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh

6 January 2010

     We welcome new Visiting Fellows:  Meinard Kuhlmann, Susan Sterrett, and      Tadeusz Szubka.

     Speakers this month are Nicholas Rescher, Tadeusz Szubka, Meinard      Kuhlmann, Susan Sterrett, and Mariafranca Spallanzani.  See Calendar for more.

     Please join us for:

     Workshop on Sandra Mitchell's Unsimple Truths: Science, Complexity and      Policy
     (2009, University of Chicago Press)
     3 February, 2010.

     So what's it like?

     Interested in visiting?
     See our Postdoctoral and our Visiting Fellows Programs.

     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
     John D. Norton, Director

     For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

21 January 2010

     Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation: A Challenge to Philosophy of Science
     Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
     October 15-16, 2010

     Call for Papers

     This workshop will explore research in philosophy of scientific experimentation      that challenges dominant views in contemporary philosophy of science. It will      focus on the philosophical analysis of the design, structure, calibration, use and      the readings of experimental apparatus, as well as broader experimental      conditions. Some of the central philosophical issues to consider in light of such      analysis are the nature of scientific theory, the role of evidence, and the structure      of explanations and understanding of natural phenomena.

     Keynote speakers:
     Allan Franklin, University of Colorado
     Marcel Weber, University of Konstanz

     We invite submissions of extended abstracts (1000 words) of papers of      approximately 30 minutes presentation time. Please include your name, the title      of the paper, your academic affiliation and your e-mail address in the submission.      The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2010. Please direct your submissions to      https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=philexp1. The decisions will be      announced by July 15, 2010.

     Accommodation will be provided for speakers.

     Organizing Committee: Slobodan Perovic (Chair), Allan Franklin, John D. Norton,      Wendy Parker, Marcel Weber.

     Questions can be directed to Slobodan Perovic, sperovic@pitt.edu, or Karen      Kovalchick, rubus@pitt.edu.

     For updates, visit: www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr

1 February 2010

     Speakers this month are Jeremy Avigad, Tomasz Placek, and Edda Thiels.  See      Calendar for more.

     Please join us for:

     Workshop on Sandra Mitchell's Unsimple Truths: Science, Complexity and      Policy
     Speakers: James Bogen and Dale Jamieson.  Response: Sandra Mitchell.
     3 February, 2010

     Newton and Empiricism
     10-11 April 2010

     Call for papers for Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation: A Challenge to      Philosophy of Science

     So what's it like?

     Center for Philosophy of Science
     University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
     John D. Norton, Director

     For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

1 March 2010

Speakers this month are Allan Walstad, David Danks, Wayne Myrvold, Andrea Woody, C. Kenneth Waters, and Wolfgang Pietsch.  See Calendar for more.

Please join us for:

Newton and Empiricism
10-11 April, 2010

Call for papers for Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation: A Challenge to Philosophy of Science

So what's it like?

Center for Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
John D. Norton, Director

For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

1 April 2010

Speakers this month are Catherine Wilson and Gordon Fleming. See Calendar for more.

Please join us for:

Newton and Empiricism
10-11 April, 2010

Call for papers for Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation: A Challenge to Philosophy of Science

So what's it like?

Center for Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
John D. Norton, Director

For all inquiries or to be removed from our email list,

14 May 2010

Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation: A Challenge to Philosophy of Science
Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

October 15-16, 2010

Second Call for Papers; deadline June 1

This workshop will explore research in philosophy of scientific experimentation that challenges dominant views in contemporary philosophy of science. It will focus on the philosophical analysis of the design, structure, calibration, use and the readings of experimental apparatus, as well as broader experimental conditions. Some of the central philosophical issues to consider in light of such analysis are the nature of scientific theory, the role of evidence, and the structure of explanations and understanding of natural phenomena.

Keynote speakers:
Allan Franklin, University of Colorado
Marcel Weber, University of Konstanz

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (1000 words) of papers of approximately 30 minutes presentation time.  Please include your name, the title of the paper, your academic affiliation and your e-mail address in the submission.  The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2010. Please direct your submissions to https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=philexp1.  The decisions will be announced by July 15, 2010.

Accommodation will be provided for speakers.

Organizing Committee: Slobodan Perovic (Chair), Allan Franklin, John D. Norton, Wendy Parker, Marcel Weber.

Questions can be directed to Slobodan Perovic, sperovic@pitt.edu, or Karen Kovalchick, rubus@pitt.edu.

For updates, visit: www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr





Revised 5/4/11 - Copyright 2009