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NMRL Graduate Research Associates
Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

NMRL Associate Achievemens

The past and present research associates of the NMRL have been recognized for thier academic and research achievements both through university and independent grants and awards.

NMRL Research Associates


Freddie H. Fu Award

National Athletic Trainers' Association


University of Pittsburgh Grants

Independent Grants


Freddie H. Fu Award

Freddie H. Fu Graduate Research Award

2010 Karen Keenan, MA, ATC
Katelyn Fleishman, MS
Nicholas Heebner, ATC
2009 Jonathan Akins, MS
Jon Pederson, ATC
2008 Tony House, MS, ATC
Yungchien Chu, MS
Gordon Huang, PT
2007 Anne Benjaminse, PT
2006 Candice Schucker, ATC
Ken Learman, MS, PT
2005 Craig Wassinger, MS, PT
Dan Ricci, ATC and Saki Oyama, ATC



NATA Research and Education Foundation

Doctoral Scholarship

2005 Takashi Nagai, MS, ATC
2003 John P. Abt, MS, ATC

Student Poster Award

2001 Yan-Yang Ju, MS, PT, ATC



Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association

Student Poster Award


Shelly A. Fetchen, MS, ATC



Grants: University of Pittsburgh

School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Development Fund, University of Pittsburgh


Nicholas Heebner, ATC
Correlation of Tibial Accelerations with Kinematic and Kinetic Variables During Single-Leg Stop-Jump and Drop-Landing Tasks


Anne Benjaminse, PT
Reliability and Precision of Hip Proprioception Methods in Healthy Individuals


Ben Goerger, ATC
Comparison of the Biomechanics and Neuromuscular Control of a Single Leg Squat and Two Jump Landing Tasks

Saki Oyama, ATC
Profiling Physical Characteristics of the Swimmer's Shoulder: Comparison to Baseball Pitchers and Non-Overhead Athletes

Candice Schucker, ATC
Evaluation of Three on-the-Field Non-Assisted Posterior Shoulder Stretches in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers

Craig Wassinger, MS, PT
Biomechanical and physical characteristics of whitewater kayakers with and without shoulder pain.

Ken Learman, MS, PT
Treatment Effects of Spinal Manipulation on Proprioception in Subjects with Chronic Low Back Pain


John P. Abt, MS, ATC
Knee Flexion-Pronation Asynchrony During an Exhaustive Run

Timothy C. Sell, MS, PT
Neuromechanical Predictors of Dynamic Knee Stability

Natalie L. Senese, ATC
Clinical Measurements to Determine Potential Overuse Injury During Running

Kevin G. Laudner, MS, ATC
Functional Characteristics of Throwing Athletes with Posterior Internal Shoulder Impingement

Yung-Shen Tsai, MS, PT
Characteristics of Trunk and Hip in Golfers With and Without Low Back Pain

Jason P. Mihalik, CAT
Postural Control Strategies Observed in Subjects with Mild Head Injury



Grants: Independent

American College of Sports Medicine Doctoral Research Grant


John P. Abt, MS, ATC
Anterior Tibialis Fatigue Disrupts Knee Flexion-Pronation Synchrony During Running
Gatorage Sports Science Institute Student Grant


Matthew Darnell, MS, RD, SCCC
The Effect of Carbohydrate/Electrolyte Feedings on Postural Stability, Muscle Activation Patterns, and Landing Mechanics
National Athletic Trainers' Association Research and Education Foundation Doctoral Grant


John P. Abt, MS, ATC
Anterior Tibialis Fatigue Disrupts Knee Flexion-Pronation Synchrony During Running
National Athletic Trainers' Association Research and Education Foundation Osternig Master's Grant


Natalie L. Senese, ATC
Clinical Measurements to Determine Potential Overuse Injury During Running


Ayako Habu, ATC
Fatigue and Sex Differences on Lower Extremity Kinematics During Single Leg Stop Jump Task


Giampietro Vairo, ATC
Neuromuscular Landing Performance Subsequent to Ipsilateral Semitendinosus and Gracilis Autograft Reconstruction
Orthopaedic Research Laboratory Alumni Council- The Erin McGurk Grant


Cheryl M. Ferris, MEd, ATC
A Gender Comparison of the Role of the Trunk and Hip on Lower Extremity Function During a Stop-Jump Task



