Statistics in a Modern World 800
Solutions to Exam 3

  1. 1-(.15+.75)=.1
    1. no, since probability of both does not equal product of individual probabilities: .05 not equal to (.1)(.3)
    2. no, because there is overlap (.05 were in both categories)
    3. .1+.3-.05=.35
    4. .05/.1=.5
  3. (ii) gambler's fallacy
    1. (i) dependent
    2. 2/4 * 2/3 = 1/3
    3. (b)
    1. .9 goes with +5 and .1 goes with -200
    2. +5(.9)-200(.1) = -15.5
    1. 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/8
    2. 1 - 1/8 = 7/8
  7. (c) the lowest number of 52 cards come in this category (most specific)
  8. (c) the highest number of students come in this category (most general)
  9. (d) they must follow the rules of probability, and are often unintuitive
  10. (e) optimism
  11. (b) (as we discussed in lecture)
  12. (a) anchoring
  13. (d)
  14. (g) conservatism
  15. (f) over-confidence
  16. (b) availability
  17. (f) pseudo-certainty
  18. (c) confusion of inverse; and (e) forgotten base rates, but I also accepted (b) availability
    1. first branch-off: ill or not ill, with probabilities .02 and .98; second branch-off: positive or negative, with probabilities .95 and .05 for those who are ill, .1 and .9 for those who are not ill
    2. .02(.95)=.019
    3. .98(.1)=.098
    4. .019+.098=.117
    5. .019/.117=.16

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