Statistics and Probability for Business Management 1100
Downloading Text File of Survey Data into MINITAB

  1. First download the file: in browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer), on the course home page or here click survey.txt with the right button and select "Save Link As...".
  2. Remember where the file is saved, for example, C:\temp\
  3. Start MINITAB.
  4. Under File menu, Select "Open Worksheet".
  5. Under "Files of type" select Text (*.txt).
  6. Select the file that you want (eg. survey) in the directory where it was saved, for example C:\temp\
  7. Click on Open and it will show up on the screen as a MINITAB worksheet.

Alternatively, you may simply left-click on survey.txt . The survey data will show up on the screen. Highlight all of it by typing "Ctrl a" simultaneously and copy it all by typing "Ctrl c" simultaneously. Then start up MINITAB, and right below the cell C1 (above row 1) paste the data by typing "ctrl v" simultaneously. Click OK and the data should be there. Caution! The data may not transfer correctly if there are missing entries or entries that are too long for a given column.

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